The Unexpected Child
Luke 1:30-33
And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and will call his name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David: And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.
This greatest of honors, to be chosen by God, as a woman to bring into the world the Messiah and Lord, was unexpected by Mary! She had found favor with God. She was the woman that God preferred of all the women, to bring the boy into this world who would be called JESUS. Mary had no idea this was going to happen in her life and she could have reacted differently, but don't you think that God knew how she would react to this decision to put His son into her care regardless of the consequences it would bring?
Mary's first response was not to rebel and argue with the angel about the plans she had made for her life already and how this would change everything, but rather she wanted to know how this would happen! Let's read a little further,
Luke 1:34,35
Then said Mary to the angel, how can this be since I have not been with a man before? And the angel said to her, The Holy Ghost will come upon you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you: that is why also the holy thing that will be born of you will be called the Son of God.
This was unbelievable that God would come to her and plant His seed into her body that would produce a holy man, the Son of God! I'm sure it was hard for Mary to believe as well so the angel prophesied that her cousin Elisabeth would have a child in her old age as well and that she was already six months pregnant even though she had lost the ability to have children and people knew this. Then the angel in the next two verses explains and we can see Mary believing the unbelievable.
Luke 1:37,38
For with God nothing will be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word. and the angel departed from her.
Yes, Mary had accepted the prophecy of God in her life even though it had completely changed any plans she had made of her own! How often do we panic when our plans are suddenly changed? How about the unexpected pregnancy and the years of parenting that go into raising this child that wasn't expected? How do we react when a child finds out they are pregnant and they are too young to care for themselves? Many people today feel that it's ok to go and take the life of this newly conceived child. Is this a form of rebellion against the unexpected? Is this a way of preserving our own plan for our life by ending the life of something that may have been used in some amazing way by God?
The child of Mary was prophesied to be a holy child and to be called the Son of the Highest! Many children who have been brought into this world and forsaken by their mothers have done amazing things in this world! Many of the unexpected children have lived their lives so amazingly that they are truly Unforgettable! Jesus had an effect on every life in the world since the day he was born.
There was another man that was unexpected that also has impacted the lives of every person in the civilized world; because he invented the microwave oven! There are so many people who have come into this world by surprise or who were not raised in a family of their own who were gifted by God to impact the world with the life they were given and to bless all who came to know them! Many times the unexpected live their lives as orphans, but it is such a blessing that they were not aborted!
The first leader of the Israeli people was an orphan, Moses.
One of the Founding Fathers of The United States was an orphan, Alexander Hamilton.
The 31st President of The United States was an orphan, Herbert Hoover.
The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was an orphan.
Often quoted and much beloved poems were written by an orphan named Edgar Allen Poe.
One of the greatest inventors of all time was an orphan, George Washington Carver.
Musician and composer, Johann Sebastian Bach was an orphan.
A man considered to be one of the greatest writers of all time was an orphan, Leo Tolstoy.
The microwave oven that sits in almost every kitchen was invented by an orphan, Percy Spencer.
We have been entertained by orphans, blues singer Bessie Smith and actress Ingrid Bergman.
The list goes on of famous orphans, who grew up to become athletes, politicians, actors, playwrights and TV producers. There are other famous people who spent part of their childhood years in orphanages due to their parents inability to care for them.
What does this tell us? That no one's life is disposable or invaluable, and that no matter what environment a person comes from, they can rise above humble beginnings and become major contributors to society.
Maybe you already are a parent of or considered parenting an unexpected child. Could it be that you adopted a child and later gave birth to a child that you didn't expect. The unexpected child could also be a child that is only with us for a few minutes or hours. I have experienced this kind of unexpected experience with a son of my own who only lived inside the womb. This left me with an unforgettable memory of my only boy,even though I won't see him again until I enter the Kingdom of God! You see, every unexpected child finds us in unbelief and leaves us with an unforgettable memory!
Thank God for the Unexpected Child!
You may reproduce this message with permission of Robert Bailes acquired through email or written. This message is not to be reproduced for sale or profit in any form. When using the messages from this website the source should be included with the copy. Include the domain address: http://www.dewforyou.blogspot.com/ or http://www.singleparentsdaily.blogspot.com/ along with my email address: mailto:dewforyou@ymail.com
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