What Is The Love Of Your Life?
Paul, who was inspired by God to write a large portion of "The Word of God" that we treasure so dearly as believers in Christ, was also the man that wrote about the love of Christ and the church. When Paul wrote about Christ's love for the church and then about our love for each other, it wasn't just a simple example to show us how to live a happy life and how to smile and how to speak to everyone. Paul wrote about specifics many times and he would teach those who would learn how to change their hearts in order to change their life.
Do you ever feel as though you are going through the motions but you really aren't getting it? Maybe you feel as though you are doing everything that you have heard people say you ought to do but it just isn't helping your life get any better. By better, I mean the relationship at home, the attitude of the children and the fellowship at your church are not fulfilling your needs and wishes. I'm speaking to men from a mans perspective but the ladies can relate too.
Well, Paul talks about this very topic in Ephesians and he speaks to the husbands, wives and children. I would like to share this with you and wrap up the entire thought of what I have received from this passage without writing a small book, so I may kind of skip through this and you can go back to the passage yourself for more meditation. The thing that I found Paul saying here in this passage basically is that we men spend our time cleaning and polishing the thing that we love the most! He says that Christ loved and washed the impurities and spots from the body of Christ which is the church. Why? Because he loved us so much that he wanted us to be pure and clean! Let's read a few verses from Ephesians,
Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having a spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Why would a man want to clean and care for the appearance and the condition of his wife in the way that it is described here that Christ cares for the church? It might be kind of hard for us to understand that we as men are to care for a woman in such a way that we actually take on the responsibility of keeping our wife pure and clean but when we look at the last part of this passage we can see that she should be HOLY! When we think of something that is HOLY how do we treat that thing? Well guys, I want you to stop and take a look at that picture up in the top corner of this page and tell me something; how would you treat that Porshe if you were handed the keys to it and told that it was yours to keep until death do you part? Huh?
Think about this? I did! I thought about how much time we spend polishing up our cars, our shoes, our hair, our houses, our careers and some of you guys even go get your fingernails done! Nothing wrong with that, although I just clip mine! The thing is that we spend our time polishing up what we care about the most and that is what Paul wants us to realize with our spouses guys! We need to keep her at the top of our things to polish because Paul says that we ought to care for her as Christ does the church. Let's read a couple more verses,
Ephesians 5:28-30
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. he that loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever hated his own body; but nourished and cherished it, even as the Lord did for the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Wow! We are a part(members) of the Lords body(church), his flesh(humanity) and his bones(God's created structure). God made us from His image to be like him; we went from Him and now he has taken back to be a part of his body, flesh and bones! How much love does it take to forgive and restore a relationship when the love is only given and not received, yet this is how Christ loved and cared for us. Are we to love our spouses like this? Let's look at the next verses,
Ephesians 5:31-33
For this cause will a man leave his father and mother, and will be joined unto his wife, and they two will be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
If we are polishing our body and we understand that we are one with our wives we will be looking for ways to polish her also. She will be even more important to us than our own lives, because our love should be so that we would give our life for her! How would we protect our self from danger? That is how we we should protect our wives. I can honestly and without a doubt tell all the guys that we will not need to be concerned with the last line of verse thirty-three if we live our lives in oneness of flesh and polish our wives as much as we do ourselves in love!
I encourage the women to bring your men to this passage and let them see how Christ intended the relationship to be if you are experiencing anything less than this in your marriage or dating relationship. It is right and you will love him more and reverence him if he cares for you as we have learned from the word today.
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