What's Your Perspective?
Our response to unfairness in life, as with other issues, is based on our perspective; the particular vantage point from which we look at life. Basically in this case, we have two perspectives to choose from: the human perspective or the divine.
Our natural human perspective tells us,
"Since life isn't fair, I'm going to get my share. I'm going to look out for myself; for number one. I'm going to spend my energy getting my own back or setting things straight or making it right. I'm not going to take it any longer."
Our world is full of books and counselors who will help you carry out this agenda. The problem is that you may get even but you won't get peace. You may feel better for the short term but you won't get lasting satisfaction. You may find a way to channel your anger, but if retaliation is your major goal, you will not glorify God. those who live their lives from this perspective are more likely to end their lives as bitter, cynical, hostile people. Unfortunately this describes allot of the American population today. Have ever looked around at the mall or at the stop light and noticed how sad most people look? It doesn't matter what kind of car, house or toys they have to play with, people are not satisfied if they are bitter and hostile.
Isn't this what we really want? Isn't that what we are all after? Something to make us happy and feel good when we aren't busy working? I can testify to that!
Fortunately we do have another option and we find it defined in 1Peter.
"For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous,
And His ears attend to their prayer,
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
(1Peter 3:12)
The principle that Peter gives us is this; God misses nothing. He's looking out for us. He's listening to our prayers. And He is completely aware of the evil that is happening to us.
Don't ever think that He has missed the evil. He sees, and He remembers. He may be long-suffering, but He doesn't compromise His justice. not only is His eye on the righteous but His face is against evil. Ultimately good will overcome evil. In the end God wins!
But, if this is true, then why doesn't He do something about evil? Why does He let it go on so long? Because God's timeline is infinite. He doesn't close His books at the end of the month. It may take a lifetime-or longer-before justice is served. But in the end, count on it, God will be just. In the end, He will
"work everything together for good" and for His glory.
This thought gives us hope beyond bitterness. If we don't believe that and if we don't focus on that, we become the loser.
Now You know HOW TO BE A WINNER!
*Excerpts of today's message taken from "Hope Again" by Chuck Swindoll