But Why Change?
We have all heard this phrase, "Time for Change" quite often in recent months, following the election of Obama as President and Americans across our nation had held him to his promise of change. We have all seen the news of US citizens of all types demanding the changes that Obama promised in a very general sense of the word with a gratifying chant while running for office. My observation has been that he has tried to promise most everyone almost everything that they have asked for and this brings me to the question I must ask you! Why change? Is there a real reason that change should take place? In this day we live in, does anyone require that man give a reason for the change they are asking for? Is there any moral accountability required in order to demand a change in the laws of our country? Where is this kind of change going to lead us as we march ahead into the future becoming a part of a nation that is basically not really changing! What? Did I say we were not changing? Let me explain.
We cannot be foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to ever take prayer outside of the schools, stopped pledging allegiance to our flag because of the mention of God, allows clinics to operate around the clock taking the lives of the unborn child from the wombs of our very own children, allowing billboards up and down our highways to publicly advertise strip clubs and pornography in every store that we enter into right under the noses of our children, letting the cable TV stations broadcast daily programs teaching our children that it is ok for men to date men and women to sleep with women, where public TV shows women kissing women on public TV, yet this would be considered PG-13 in the theater? Are we foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to use television and radio to transform the minds of our children and even ourselves through commercials and music shown between the shows that we have so complacently become addicted to over time?
We are not the first and we will not be the last, yet we do not realize just how much there truly is a need for change! We have seen the results in other countries where the decline of morality has taken it's toll in the economy as well as the home life and the church.
We need leaders in the church today that will stand up with backbone and call the community leaders to the plate, requiring a reason for the changes that they are considering. We need to start asking this question, "Why?". This question is one that holds a person accountable to their actions and it is one that requires us to think about the consequences of our decisions.
If you are in this life only to make friends and have a good time without standing up for God in your life, you will find yourself one day before the throne of God without an answer when you are asked the simple question that will ring in your ears throughout all eternity, "Why?"
Is change good? Yes, change in the heart and mind is good when that change is made according to the principles laid down by God in the Bible for us to live by. Principles that God gave us with the intention to bless mankind physically, mentally and spiritually. If you are reading this message and if years have passed since it was written, you may be witnessing the effects of the changes in our nation and the church may be a thing of the past, but one thing that I can tell you for sure, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
God said in His Word, "I AM" which means that He is eternal. The only thing that God asked of man was to turn from his wicked ways, humble himself and call on his name believing in the forgiveness of his sin by the death of God's son, Jesus, who was buried and who rose again to go and prepare a place for all who believe in Christ. If you are reading this message, it is not too late to believe in Him today. Jesus Christ will return one day and He will acknowledge the choice that you have made to follow His principles and believe when the time comes that we all stand before His throne.
1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you are one to scoff or laugh this off, remember that you have been warned and the seed of God has been planted in your heart, therefore you will be held accountable for your decision. There is no escape, except by the acceptance of mercy which is the gift of God to all who believe. You must only receive His gift of forgiveness, realizing that you are a man who has sinned and that the gift you now receive is not deserved but rather given in mercy by our faithful God who promises to never leave you, nor forsake you!
I want to share a story about the effects of change and how letting the world go on without saying a word can shape the future of the church and our families. This story is actually more about the complacency of the church to sit still and stay silent while driving our wagons down the same old ruts that our ancestors stayed in while the world changed around them as well. When do we get out of the ruts of complacency? When do we stand up and step out of those ruts to make a change for what is right?
This story is about the making of the train tracks that we use even today all across our country. The train tracks have been used for many years for transporting goods from one city to another and many passengers as well. It has truly been a benefit to many businesses and travelers but have you ever looked at the railroad tracks and wondered, "Why?". There was a man who did just this and decided to find out why the tracks were positioned to be 4 feet and 8 inches apart. What he found in his research was that the tracks had been made by the same company that had been in the wagon making business for many years and they had used the same equipment to make the train cars so they had kept the same measurement to save on money and testing. This company had grown so large that they were manufacturing most of the wagons sold at the time that they acquired the contract for the train car production. The wagon wheels had been positioned at 4 feet and 8 inches so that the wheels would ride along in the ruts cut out by the other wagons and the wheels would run smoothly instead of going in and out of the ruts and creating a rough ride for passengers and freight. Now let's think about something that has to do with modern day technology. Did you know that the modern day spacecraft used by our astronauts to fly hundreds of thousands of miles across space to research planets, stars and other galaxies are carried by fuel tanks attached to the rear of this spacecraft? Even more interesting is that the measurement across those tanks is 4 feet and 8 inches! Why? Because they are manufactured at a factory across our nation and transported by train to the place where the spacecraft is built. Isn't that amazing how the measurement of a wagons wheels made a difference in the size of our modern day fuel tanks? But that's not the most interesting part about all of this. I didn't tell you why the wagon was built to this measurement in the first place. The wagon was built to this size because the part that attached to the horses had to fit just right on each side of the wagon and it couldn't be too wide or too narrow. The size that was determined through their studies when building the wagons hundreds of years ago determined that the average size of two horse behinds was 4 feet and 8 inches! Literally the size of to horse rear ends changed the way trains were made all over our country which changed the way other products were designed to ride on the train cars. See how much a single decision made by each individual down through history can impact the world that we live in and the world our children and their children will live in one day?
"Why Change?" is the question that I am asking everyone today.
Do we really have no choice? We must change! We must stand up for what is morally right before God! Don't wait on others to do something! Let's start a change in our home, our church, our community!
OUR ACTIONS TODAY will determine the way that the children live tomorrow!
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
If you made a decision today to accept the gift Christ's forgiveness, please contact me today so that I can pray for you and freely offer guidance in the days ahead! Contact me, Rob Bailes, by email at dewforyou@ymail.com and I will reply as soon as possible.
Pray for change today!
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I call out to you for your loving kindness and mercy to not only make a change in my heart and mind but also to show me how I can stand for the truth and the principles that we find in the Word of God. Open the doors of opportunity as I go knocking and seeking for ways to make a change in the media, schools, letters and phone calls in a stand for what I know to be right. Help all true believers to stand for what is right and against the things that are not right in your eyes! Thank you Lord for your blessings and communion today! Amen
We have all heard this phrase, "Time for Change" quite often in recent months, following the election of Obama as President and Americans across our nation had held him to his promise of change. We have all seen the news of US citizens of all types demanding the changes that Obama promised in a very general sense of the word with a gratifying chant while running for office. My observation has been that he has tried to promise most everyone almost everything that they have asked for and this brings me to the question I must ask you! Why change? Is there a real reason that change should take place? In this day we live in, does anyone require that man give a reason for the change they are asking for? Is there any moral accountability required in order to demand a change in the laws of our country? Where is this kind of change going to lead us as we march ahead into the future becoming a part of a nation that is basically not really changing! What? Did I say we were not changing? Let me explain.
We cannot be foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to ever take prayer outside of the schools, stopped pledging allegiance to our flag because of the mention of God, allows clinics to operate around the clock taking the lives of the unborn child from the wombs of our very own children, allowing billboards up and down our highways to publicly advertise strip clubs and pornography in every store that we enter into right under the noses of our children, letting the cable TV stations broadcast daily programs teaching our children that it is ok for men to date men and women to sleep with women, where public TV shows women kissing women on public TV, yet this would be considered PG-13 in the theater? Are we foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to use television and radio to transform the minds of our children and even ourselves through commercials and music shown between the shows that we have so complacently become addicted to over time?
We are not the first and we will not be the last, yet we do not realize just how much there truly is a need for change! We have seen the results in other countries where the decline of morality has taken it's toll in the economy as well as the home life and the church.
We need leaders in the church today that will stand up with backbone and call the community leaders to the plate, requiring a reason for the changes that they are considering. We need to start asking this question, "Why?". This question is one that holds a person accountable to their actions and it is one that requires us to think about the consequences of our decisions.
If you are in this life only to make friends and have a good time without standing up for God in your life, you will find yourself one day before the throne of God without an answer when you are asked the simple question that will ring in your ears throughout all eternity, "Why?"
Is change good? Yes, change in the heart and mind is good when that change is made according to the principles laid down by God in the Bible for us to live by. Principles that God gave us with the intention to bless mankind physically, mentally and spiritually. If you are reading this message and if years have passed since it was written, you may be witnessing the effects of the changes in our nation and the church may be a thing of the past, but one thing that I can tell you for sure, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
God said in His Word, "I AM" which means that He is eternal. The only thing that God asked of man was to turn from his wicked ways, humble himself and call on his name believing in the forgiveness of his sin by the death of God's son, Jesus, who was buried and who rose again to go and prepare a place for all who believe in Christ. If you are reading this message, it is not too late to believe in Him today. Jesus Christ will return one day and He will acknowledge the choice that you have made to follow His principles and believe when the time comes that we all stand before His throne.
1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you are one to scoff or laugh this off, remember that you have been warned and the seed of God has been planted in your heart, therefore you will be held accountable for your decision. There is no escape, except by the acceptance of mercy which is the gift of God to all who believe. You must only receive His gift of forgiveness, realizing that you are a man who has sinned and that the gift you now receive is not deserved but rather given in mercy by our faithful God who promises to never leave you, nor forsake you!
I want to share a story about the effects of change and how letting the world go on without saying a word can shape the future of the church and our families. This story is actually more about the complacency of the church to sit still and stay silent while driving our wagons down the same old ruts that our ancestors stayed in while the world changed around them as well. When do we get out of the ruts of complacency? When do we stand up and step out of those ruts to make a change for what is right?
This story is about the making of the train tracks that we use even today all across our country. The train tracks have been used for many years for transporting goods from one city to another and many passengers as well. It has truly been a benefit to many businesses and travelers but have you ever looked at the railroad tracks and wondered, "Why?". There was a man who did just this and decided to find out why the tracks were positioned to be 4 feet and 8 inches apart. What he found in his research was that the tracks had been made by the same company that had been in the wagon making business for many years and they had used the same equipment to make the train cars so they had kept the same measurement to save on money and testing. This company had grown so large that they were manufacturing most of the wagons sold at the time that they acquired the contract for the train car production. The wagon wheels had been positioned at 4 feet and 8 inches so that the wheels would ride along in the ruts cut out by the other wagons and the wheels would run smoothly instead of going in and out of the ruts and creating a rough ride for passengers and freight. Now let's think about something that has to do with modern day technology. Did you know that the modern day spacecraft used by our astronauts to fly hundreds of thousands of miles across space to research planets, stars and other galaxies are carried by fuel tanks attached to the rear of this spacecraft? Even more interesting is that the measurement across those tanks is 4 feet and 8 inches! Why? Because they are manufactured at a factory across our nation and transported by train to the place where the spacecraft is built. Isn't that amazing how the measurement of a wagons wheels made a difference in the size of our modern day fuel tanks? But that's not the most interesting part about all of this. I didn't tell you why the wagon was built to this measurement in the first place. The wagon was built to this size because the part that attached to the horses had to fit just right on each side of the wagon and it couldn't be too wide or too narrow. The size that was determined through their studies when building the wagons hundreds of years ago determined that the average size of two horse behinds was 4 feet and 8 inches! Literally the size of to horse rear ends changed the way trains were made all over our country which changed the way other products were designed to ride on the train cars. See how much a single decision made by each individual down through history can impact the world that we live in and the world our children and their children will live in one day?
"Why Change?" is the question that I am asking everyone today.
Do we really have no choice? We must change! We must stand up for what is morally right before God! Don't wait on others to do something! Let's start a change in our home, our church, our community!
OUR ACTIONS TODAY will determine the way that the children live tomorrow!
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
If you made a decision today to accept the gift Christ's forgiveness, please contact me today so that I can pray for you and freely offer guidance in the days ahead! Contact me, Rob Bailes, by email at dewforyou@ymail.com and I will reply as soon as possible.
Pray for change today!
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I call out to you for your loving kindness and mercy to not only make a change in my heart and mind but also to show me how I can stand for the truth and the principles that we find in the Word of God. Open the doors of opportunity as I go knocking and seeking for ways to make a change in the media, schools, letters and phone calls in a stand for what I know to be right. Help all true believers to stand for what is right and against the things that are not right in your eyes! Thank you Lord for your blessings and communion today! Amen
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