When Jesus Makes A Request...
The last message was about Simon and his time on the boat listening to Jesus. Jesus had asked him to take his boat out a little and keep it there so He could teach the people. I thought about how my own father had once told about his testimony as a new believer and his being asked to teach the children's church as his first real service to the Lord. When Simon was asked to take his boat out a little from the shore, Jesus had interrupted his cleaning of his nets. You see, Simon had been out fishing all night. Not only that, but he had also not caught a single fish that night! The literal translation will verify without a doubt "Not One Fish!" You could probably imagine that Simon would also be hungry as well.
There is one thing I know about real fishermen, as I had been quite involved in fishing in my youth, is that they can ignore allot of discomforts if they believe that they stand a good chance of catching allot of fish. I have ignored bitter cold winds, thirst, hunger, extremely hot temperatures, rain, mosquitoes, snakes and even the need for sleep when I had been up all night.
I once stayed up all night making lures with wire and gotcha plugs and learning how to reel them in, just so I could catch some Blues for the first time. For those of you who aren't familiar with this fish, they are about as long as your arm is from your elbow to your fingertips and they only come into shore for a few days every May and September around mid month. I had heard they were catching allot of them at the Iron Steamer Pier at Atlantic Beach. Another thing that I had been told that Friday evening before setting off on my fishing trip was that they only bite for about two hours in the morning and in the evening when the sun touches the water. With this bit of information and the dream of filling my cooler with these large fish that tasted like heaven on a plate, I set off for the beach. I took peanut butter crackers to survive on and a thermos of coffee. When I arrived the woman at the fishing shop was telling others who had shown up as I had for the first time how to catch this crazy blue fish that would bite the first plug that they saw in their path. She told us how we needed to have plenty of lures ready because we didn't want to loose any of the time we had to catch the Blues, by running to the store to get more lures, so we all bought five or six gotcha plugs and some wire to make the leader out of. This is the first eighteen inches of line tied to the lure and then attached to your fishing line. When I asked why we had to have this wire, she kind of chucked and said, "You really don't know anything about this fish do you?" and I admitted that I did allot of fishing but this was new to me. Well, she continued to train all of us amateurs how to make the lures, what to watch for and how to reel the line in when they started biting. By this time it was about three in the morning and I knew the sun was going to break the water about 6am, so I went out to the end of the pier and started casting. It was rather odd because you need to jerk your fishing pole up and down while you are reeling in the line. The other fishermen out there were fishing for shark and they started laughing at me because they knew the blues wouldn't start biting for a few more hours. Finally they told me I should lay down on the bench and get some rest because it would be a few more hours. They even said they would wake me up but my adrenalin was flowing and I wasn't going to take any chances on sleeping through this. If I could just stay awake for about six more hours, I thought, I could have my catch of the year and go back home with enough fish to last me most of the summer. Little did I know how true that would really turn out.
The final piece of information that I had learned came from the same fishermen who had been on the pier fishing for shark all night. They hadn't caught a thing but they told me with great confidence, as they were packing up at about 5:30am, that I needed to tie a towel to the rail where I wanted to be located and that I definitely needed a much larger cooler or my fishing experience would be over in about 30 minutes. I thought they were kidding and I laughed but they assured me that they were serious. I quickly ran to the pier shop and spent another thirty-five dollars on a very large cooler and returned to find people showing up to start their casting for blues.
To be honest with you, I was exhausted at this point, hungry, out of coffee and struggling to keep my eyes open, but I did have ice in my cooler, so I took some ice and rubbed it on my face and hands to wake myself up. The guys showing up seemed so rested and relaxed as they sipped on their coffee and watched me casting my line out over and over. They told me I must be new at this and I asked why. They said that it is much easier to hold the reel upside down when fishing for blues because it is easier to hold the reel and flip your rod up and down at the same time. I was once again grateful for the additional information volunteered by the nice gentlemen as they watched me. As I was getting used to this new technique of reeling, I suddenly felt my rod snap down and it felt like I had hooked onto one of the old piers out in the water. I thought to myself that I had just lost my first lure when all of a sudden my line took off in another direction. As I struggled to get my first big Blue fish pulled in the other guys who had been waiting all reached for their poles and walked up to the rail to begin. That's when I knew what they had waited for so patiently! They were letting the new guys do the work while they waited and enjoyed their coffee. The fun I had anticipated had begun and all i could think about was getting the fish up on the pier and into my huge cooler. I had bleeding finger tips from the sharp teeth of the blue fish as they would jerk sometimes while I was trying to get the hook out, even with the use of pliers. I just wiped them off and kept on fishing. Every time I cast my line out and reeled it in I would catch a blue fish or a Spanish Mackerel about the length of my forearm. Well, needless to say, I had a story to tell my buddies, future children and grandchildren and it wasn't a fishing tale! It was a true fishing story that I had experienced myself. It was something that I heard someone else talking about and I got got excited about experiencing for myself. I had hoped it was true but I needed to really experience it to know just how exciting it really was. Nevertheless, I had gone on the word of others and their experience and now I had a huge cooler over flowing with fish.
The only problem that I had to overcome after my huge catch that day was how to get the cooler into my car when I was getting ready to leave. That's a whole different story of it's own!
Let's look at what happened next with Simon that day out on the lake with Jesus,
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
Jesus had given Simon some direction that day on the lake after he had finished teaching the people. Just like my co-worker who knew about the Blue fish had told me where to go, Jesus told Simon where to go and catch some fish. The thing that we see in this passage is that Simon was exhausted and he had already fished all night but he hadn't caught a thing. Why then, did he do as Jesus told him to do?
Simon believed in the teachings of Jesus and he trusted him to lead him into the right direction. Many times I have heard this passage taught by others to say that Simon doubted Jesus and that he just did what Jesus had said to do because Jesus was his Master. I have heard men say that Jesus told Simon to let down the nets but he let down only one net. After searching the literal translations, I could not find the word "nets" as shown in verse four of the King James translation. Therefore, Simon did as Jesus told him to do and I believe that changes the way we see this passage and it's meaning. It is better to follow the leading of one who knows the outcome that one who is imagining how things could have been or might be in the future. We often take the time to listen to man's theories and phlosophies but how often do we listen to the uttering of the voice of God in our hearts, minds and spirits?
What are the possibilities if we also would say to our Lord, "nevertheless at thy word I will..."? If you look at the literal translation of this phrase this is what it says, "because you have uttered your request I will....".
Jesus has made His request to each and every one of us. Will our life reflect our belief in Him?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"Listening For Direction"
Luke 5:1-3
1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Simon had been fishing all night, yet Jesus requested his services. Isn't it just like our lives that we often find ourselves most needed when we are least likely to have enough time to accomodate their needs? Simon just went ahead and did what he was asked to do.
Ever Fell Overwhelmed?
Maybe we often find ourselves trying to do the decision making when we have already been given the message and we know in our heart what it is. I can admit to this.
We don't have to come up with a business plan and a mission statement to be prepared for what the Lord Jesus has in store for our lives! Let's get ready for the Lord's work in our lives and leave the teaching to our Lord to perform. No matter what you have already been through or how hard you have worked, Jesus is asking us all to do something. Are we listening or are we too busy working.
We will come out a whole lot wiser today if we keep out ears alert to the voice of Jesus every day!
Jesus wants to teach us lessons from His Word just as He spoke His Word from the fishing boat. I always have wondered what Simon learned on the boat that day! Maybe our next message will reveal some of this to us and more! Selah. Think on this.
1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Simon had been fishing all night, yet Jesus requested his services. Isn't it just like our lives that we often find ourselves most needed when we are least likely to have enough time to accomodate their needs? Simon just went ahead and did what he was asked to do.
Ever Fell Overwhelmed?
Maybe we often find ourselves trying to do the decision making when we have already been given the message and we know in our heart what it is. I can admit to this.
We don't have to come up with a business plan and a mission statement to be prepared for what the Lord Jesus has in store for our lives! Let's get ready for the Lord's work in our lives and leave the teaching to our Lord to perform. No matter what you have already been through or how hard you have worked, Jesus is asking us all to do something. Are we listening or are we too busy working.
We will come out a whole lot wiser today if we keep out ears alert to the voice of Jesus every day!
Jesus wants to teach us lessons from His Word just as He spoke His Word from the fishing boat. I always have wondered what Simon learned on the boat that day! Maybe our next message will reveal some of this to us and more! Selah. Think on this.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Have you ever thought about how important open communication really is? We study and go to meetings to learn how to communicate with each other, but how are we doing when it comes to communion with our heavenly Father?
Do we ever forget to include him in the decisions and events of our day?
Let's learn a little bit about the radio codes that we use in the US. I want to teach you by creating a dialogue to make it a little bit easier to remember.
(Something unexpected just happened in the life of a man named Bob)
BOB - "10-17 - Urgent Business"
BOB - "10-17 - Urgent Business"
GOD - "10-4 - Message Received"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors Present" (Bob's best friend came to comfort him)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
(Next day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors present" (Bob's best friend is still helping him through this time)
(Next day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors present" (Bob's best friend is still helping him through this time)
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-65"
BOB - "10-6 - Busy, please stand by"
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-44 Bob - I have a message for Bob"
BOB - "10-23 - Stand by"
GOD - "10-25 Me - Can you contact me"
BOB - "10-75 - Your transmission is causing interference" (Bob is still not ok but feels he can make it on his own strength now that his friend has been there to listen. )
GOD - "10-10 - Finished, standing by"
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message
(Next Month)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message
Bob went through a crisis and he cried out to God when he first realized his situation but after this he found his comfort from those who would help and understand. Many times this is so easy to do when we have family and friends close by. The only thing is that we take much longer to recover and maybe never completely because we didn't seek the Lord for our strength and help in time of trouble. Is God standing by, awaiting your next message? Did you experience something tragic in your life and forget to ask God for healing and his comfort? Maybe God is waiting for you so that he can say what he wanted to say to BOB!
GOD - "10-99 - Mission completed, all is secure!
Mat 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Do we ever forget to include him in the decisions and events of our day?
Let's learn a little bit about the radio codes that we use in the US. I want to teach you by creating a dialogue to make it a little bit easier to remember.
(Something unexpected just happened in the life of a man named Bob)
BOB - "10-17 - Urgent Business"
BOB - "10-17 - Urgent Business"
GOD - "10-4 - Message Received"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors Present" (Bob's best friend came to comfort him)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
(Next day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors present" (Bob's best friend is still helping him through this time)
(Next day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message"
BOB - "10-12 - Visitors present" (Bob's best friend is still helping him through this time)
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-65"
BOB - "10-6 - Busy, please stand by"
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-44 Bob - I have a message for Bob"
BOB - "10-23 - Stand by"
GOD - "10-25 Me - Can you contact me"
BOB - "10-75 - Your transmission is causing interference" (Bob is still not ok but feels he can make it on his own strength now that his friend has been there to listen. )
GOD - "10-10 - Finished, standing by"
(Next Day)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message
(Next Month)
GOD - "10-65 - Standing by, awaiting your next message
Bob went through a crisis and he cried out to God when he first realized his situation but after this he found his comfort from those who would help and understand. Many times this is so easy to do when we have family and friends close by. The only thing is that we take much longer to recover and maybe never completely because we didn't seek the Lord for our strength and help in time of trouble. Is God standing by, awaiting your next message? Did you experience something tragic in your life and forget to ask God for healing and his comfort? Maybe God is waiting for you so that he can say what he wanted to say to BOB!
GOD - "10-99 - Mission completed, all is secure!
Mat 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"Time For Change?"

But Why Change?
We have all heard this phrase, "Time for Change" quite often in recent months, following the election of Obama as President and Americans across our nation had held him to his promise of change. We have all seen the news of US citizens of all types demanding the changes that Obama promised in a very general sense of the word with a gratifying chant while running for office. My observation has been that he has tried to promise most everyone almost everything that they have asked for and this brings me to the question I must ask you! Why change? Is there a real reason that change should take place? In this day we live in, does anyone require that man give a reason for the change they are asking for? Is there any moral accountability required in order to demand a change in the laws of our country? Where is this kind of change going to lead us as we march ahead into the future becoming a part of a nation that is basically not really changing! What? Did I say we were not changing? Let me explain.
We cannot be foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to ever take prayer outside of the schools, stopped pledging allegiance to our flag because of the mention of God, allows clinics to operate around the clock taking the lives of the unborn child from the wombs of our very own children, allowing billboards up and down our highways to publicly advertise strip clubs and pornography in every store that we enter into right under the noses of our children, letting the cable TV stations broadcast daily programs teaching our children that it is ok for men to date men and women to sleep with women, where public TV shows women kissing women on public TV, yet this would be considered PG-13 in the theater? Are we foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to use television and radio to transform the minds of our children and even ourselves through commercials and music shown between the shows that we have so complacently become addicted to over time?
We are not the first and we will not be the last, yet we do not realize just how much there truly is a need for change! We have seen the results in other countries where the decline of morality has taken it's toll in the economy as well as the home life and the church.
We need leaders in the church today that will stand up with backbone and call the community leaders to the plate, requiring a reason for the changes that they are considering. We need to start asking this question, "Why?". This question is one that holds a person accountable to their actions and it is one that requires us to think about the consequences of our decisions.
If you are in this life only to make friends and have a good time without standing up for God in your life, you will find yourself one day before the throne of God without an answer when you are asked the simple question that will ring in your ears throughout all eternity, "Why?"
Is change good? Yes, change in the heart and mind is good when that change is made according to the principles laid down by God in the Bible for us to live by. Principles that God gave us with the intention to bless mankind physically, mentally and spiritually. If you are reading this message and if years have passed since it was written, you may be witnessing the effects of the changes in our nation and the church may be a thing of the past, but one thing that I can tell you for sure, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
God said in His Word, "I AM" which means that He is eternal. The only thing that God asked of man was to turn from his wicked ways, humble himself and call on his name believing in the forgiveness of his sin by the death of God's son, Jesus, who was buried and who rose again to go and prepare a place for all who believe in Christ. If you are reading this message, it is not too late to believe in Him today. Jesus Christ will return one day and He will acknowledge the choice that you have made to follow His principles and believe when the time comes that we all stand before His throne.
1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you are one to scoff or laugh this off, remember that you have been warned and the seed of God has been planted in your heart, therefore you will be held accountable for your decision. There is no escape, except by the acceptance of mercy which is the gift of God to all who believe. You must only receive His gift of forgiveness, realizing that you are a man who has sinned and that the gift you now receive is not deserved but rather given in mercy by our faithful God who promises to never leave you, nor forsake you!
I want to share a story about the effects of change and how letting the world go on without saying a word can shape the future of the church and our families. This story is actually more about the complacency of the church to sit still and stay silent while driving our wagons down the same old ruts that our ancestors stayed in while the world changed around them as well. When do we get out of the ruts of complacency? When do we stand up and step out of those ruts to make a change for what is right?
This story is about the making of the train tracks that we use even today all across our country. The train tracks have been used for many years for transporting goods from one city to another and many passengers as well. It has truly been a benefit to many businesses and travelers but have you ever looked at the railroad tracks and wondered, "Why?". There was a man who did just this and decided to find out why the tracks were positioned to be 4 feet and 8 inches apart. What he found in his research was that the tracks had been made by the same company that had been in the wagon making business for many years and they had used the same equipment to make the train cars so they had kept the same measurement to save on money and testing. This company had grown so large that they were manufacturing most of the wagons sold at the time that they acquired the contract for the train car production. The wagon wheels had been positioned at 4 feet and 8 inches so that the wheels would ride along in the ruts cut out by the other wagons and the wheels would run smoothly instead of going in and out of the ruts and creating a rough ride for passengers and freight. Now let's think about something that has to do with modern day technology. Did you know that the modern day spacecraft used by our astronauts to fly hundreds of thousands of miles across space to research planets, stars and other galaxies are carried by fuel tanks attached to the rear of this spacecraft? Even more interesting is that the measurement across those tanks is 4 feet and 8 inches! Why? Because they are manufactured at a factory across our nation and transported by train to the place where the spacecraft is built. Isn't that amazing how the measurement of a wagons wheels made a difference in the size of our modern day fuel tanks? But that's not the most interesting part about all of this. I didn't tell you why the wagon was built to this measurement in the first place. The wagon was built to this size because the part that attached to the horses had to fit just right on each side of the wagon and it couldn't be too wide or too narrow. The size that was determined through their studies when building the wagons hundreds of years ago determined that the average size of two horse behinds was 4 feet and 8 inches! Literally the size of to horse rear ends changed the way trains were made all over our country which changed the way other products were designed to ride on the train cars. See how much a single decision made by each individual down through history can impact the world that we live in and the world our children and their children will live in one day?
"Why Change?" is the question that I am asking everyone today.
Do we really have no choice? We must change! We must stand up for what is morally right before God! Don't wait on others to do something! Let's start a change in our home, our church, our community!
OUR ACTIONS TODAY will determine the way that the children live tomorrow!
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
If you made a decision today to accept the gift Christ's forgiveness, please contact me today so that I can pray for you and freely offer guidance in the days ahead! Contact me, Rob Bailes, by email at dewforyou@ymail.com and I will reply as soon as possible.
Pray for change today!
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I call out to you for your loving kindness and mercy to not only make a change in my heart and mind but also to show me how I can stand for the truth and the principles that we find in the Word of God. Open the doors of opportunity as I go knocking and seeking for ways to make a change in the media, schools, letters and phone calls in a stand for what I know to be right. Help all true believers to stand for what is right and against the things that are not right in your eyes! Thank you Lord for your blessings and communion today! Amen
We have all heard this phrase, "Time for Change" quite often in recent months, following the election of Obama as President and Americans across our nation had held him to his promise of change. We have all seen the news of US citizens of all types demanding the changes that Obama promised in a very general sense of the word with a gratifying chant while running for office. My observation has been that he has tried to promise most everyone almost everything that they have asked for and this brings me to the question I must ask you! Why change? Is there a real reason that change should take place? In this day we live in, does anyone require that man give a reason for the change they are asking for? Is there any moral accountability required in order to demand a change in the laws of our country? Where is this kind of change going to lead us as we march ahead into the future becoming a part of a nation that is basically not really changing! What? Did I say we were not changing? Let me explain.
We cannot be foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to ever take prayer outside of the schools, stopped pledging allegiance to our flag because of the mention of God, allows clinics to operate around the clock taking the lives of the unborn child from the wombs of our very own children, allowing billboards up and down our highways to publicly advertise strip clubs and pornography in every store that we enter into right under the noses of our children, letting the cable TV stations broadcast daily programs teaching our children that it is ok for men to date men and women to sleep with women, where public TV shows women kissing women on public TV, yet this would be considered PG-13 in the theater? Are we foolish enough to believe that we are the first nation to use television and radio to transform the minds of our children and even ourselves through commercials and music shown between the shows that we have so complacently become addicted to over time?
We are not the first and we will not be the last, yet we do not realize just how much there truly is a need for change! We have seen the results in other countries where the decline of morality has taken it's toll in the economy as well as the home life and the church.
We need leaders in the church today that will stand up with backbone and call the community leaders to the plate, requiring a reason for the changes that they are considering. We need to start asking this question, "Why?". This question is one that holds a person accountable to their actions and it is one that requires us to think about the consequences of our decisions.
If you are in this life only to make friends and have a good time without standing up for God in your life, you will find yourself one day before the throne of God without an answer when you are asked the simple question that will ring in your ears throughout all eternity, "Why?"
Is change good? Yes, change in the heart and mind is good when that change is made according to the principles laid down by God in the Bible for us to live by. Principles that God gave us with the intention to bless mankind physically, mentally and spiritually. If you are reading this message and if years have passed since it was written, you may be witnessing the effects of the changes in our nation and the church may be a thing of the past, but one thing that I can tell you for sure, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
God said in His Word, "I AM" which means that He is eternal. The only thing that God asked of man was to turn from his wicked ways, humble himself and call on his name believing in the forgiveness of his sin by the death of God's son, Jesus, who was buried and who rose again to go and prepare a place for all who believe in Christ. If you are reading this message, it is not too late to believe in Him today. Jesus Christ will return one day and He will acknowledge the choice that you have made to follow His principles and believe when the time comes that we all stand before His throne.
1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you are one to scoff or laugh this off, remember that you have been warned and the seed of God has been planted in your heart, therefore you will be held accountable for your decision. There is no escape, except by the acceptance of mercy which is the gift of God to all who believe. You must only receive His gift of forgiveness, realizing that you are a man who has sinned and that the gift you now receive is not deserved but rather given in mercy by our faithful God who promises to never leave you, nor forsake you!
I want to share a story about the effects of change and how letting the world go on without saying a word can shape the future of the church and our families. This story is actually more about the complacency of the church to sit still and stay silent while driving our wagons down the same old ruts that our ancestors stayed in while the world changed around them as well. When do we get out of the ruts of complacency? When do we stand up and step out of those ruts to make a change for what is right?
This story is about the making of the train tracks that we use even today all across our country. The train tracks have been used for many years for transporting goods from one city to another and many passengers as well. It has truly been a benefit to many businesses and travelers but have you ever looked at the railroad tracks and wondered, "Why?". There was a man who did just this and decided to find out why the tracks were positioned to be 4 feet and 8 inches apart. What he found in his research was that the tracks had been made by the same company that had been in the wagon making business for many years and they had used the same equipment to make the train cars so they had kept the same measurement to save on money and testing. This company had grown so large that they were manufacturing most of the wagons sold at the time that they acquired the contract for the train car production. The wagon wheels had been positioned at 4 feet and 8 inches so that the wheels would ride along in the ruts cut out by the other wagons and the wheels would run smoothly instead of going in and out of the ruts and creating a rough ride for passengers and freight. Now let's think about something that has to do with modern day technology. Did you know that the modern day spacecraft used by our astronauts to fly hundreds of thousands of miles across space to research planets, stars and other galaxies are carried by fuel tanks attached to the rear of this spacecraft? Even more interesting is that the measurement across those tanks is 4 feet and 8 inches! Why? Because they are manufactured at a factory across our nation and transported by train to the place where the spacecraft is built. Isn't that amazing how the measurement of a wagons wheels made a difference in the size of our modern day fuel tanks? But that's not the most interesting part about all of this. I didn't tell you why the wagon was built to this measurement in the first place. The wagon was built to this size because the part that attached to the horses had to fit just right on each side of the wagon and it couldn't be too wide or too narrow. The size that was determined through their studies when building the wagons hundreds of years ago determined that the average size of two horse behinds was 4 feet and 8 inches! Literally the size of to horse rear ends changed the way trains were made all over our country which changed the way other products were designed to ride on the train cars. See how much a single decision made by each individual down through history can impact the world that we live in and the world our children and their children will live in one day?
"Why Change?" is the question that I am asking everyone today.
Do we really have no choice? We must change! We must stand up for what is morally right before God! Don't wait on others to do something! Let's start a change in our home, our church, our community!
OUR ACTIONS TODAY will determine the way that the children live tomorrow!
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
If you made a decision today to accept the gift Christ's forgiveness, please contact me today so that I can pray for you and freely offer guidance in the days ahead! Contact me, Rob Bailes, by email at dewforyou@ymail.com and I will reply as soon as possible.
Pray for change today!
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I call out to you for your loving kindness and mercy to not only make a change in my heart and mind but also to show me how I can stand for the truth and the principles that we find in the Word of God. Open the doors of opportunity as I go knocking and seeking for ways to make a change in the media, schools, letters and phone calls in a stand for what I know to be right. Help all true believers to stand for what is right and against the things that are not right in your eyes! Thank you Lord for your blessings and communion today! Amen
Monday, October 19, 2009
"Who Needs Mercy?"
David's Infinite Source of Mercy
Let's look at a verse written in Psalms by a Shepard who became one of the greatest kings that ever lived in ancient times. Not only that, but God spoke to him and he seemed to be continually speaking to God in song and prayer.
Psalm 36:5
Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds.
What did David mean by this verse? Many times we just breeze through these passages and we get some kind of meaning from the entire passage that we keep locked away in our memory banks, but this verse is so full of revelation, rejuvenation and realization! If we will take a minute to think about what David is saying here, we will see that he has been given the discernment by God to understand that first of all, the Lord has given us mercy of forgiveness. God has given us mercy because when we were living in sin, God reached out to give life to the people on earth even before his son, Jesus, came to die for us.
Secondly, David knew where this mercy came from. In the heavens was the only place that a mercy so unnatural and unlike our nature as men could possibly exist. It was in the heavens that the God of our earth existed and men like David knew this too! Why should ordinary people like you and I who live ordinary lives dispute the words of a divinely appointed man like David in the Bible? Should we doubt the inspired words of the Bible found here in Psalms? God forbid!
Take heed, lest we fall due to our foolish pride if we should even begin to think such thoughts!
Thirdly, David says, "thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds." It is God's faithfulness that always is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! When we become doubtful or allow ourselves to become deceived by the wicked in this world, always remember that God is the great "I AM" and his faithfulness is continual, infinite, everlasting because he is our Lord God Almighty! Only God can offer this kind of faithfulness that will be with you for ever and ever!
The Word of God says that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Once again in this verse we see the tie between our forgiveness through Gods faithfulness to forgive, which we did not earn or deserve, but it is because of the mercy of God in the heavens that we receive this!
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I had recently been shopping with my daughter and grandson and my grandson had a little red balloon that had been given to him by one of the women in the store. He was so happy to have this red balloon floating over his head and his big smile reflected his joy as well! When we were almost to the car the string slipped out of his fingers as they usually do at some point or another. It was at this moment in time that he burst into tears and I told him I would get another, but he kept crying and saying that he wanted that one! So it was no use to try, but he stood there watching the balloon going higher and higher as the tears rolled down his face. I had to just take a moment and share his grief with him, as I too watched the balloon until it finally just disappeared. That's when he said, "It's gone up to heaven now!" and my daughter said, "Yes and Teddy can play with it in heaven". Teddy is the toy poodle that had been at their grandmas house for years and had passed away. Well, he wasn't to excited about this idea, but he did feel sure that it was in heaven because it had disappeared into the clouds.
Keeping this in mind, think about what David said in verse five of Psalm 36.
"...and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds."
David was saying that no matter how far we go or how far we can imagine, the Lord's faithfulness reaches that far! The Lord's faithfulness is outa sight! Does it encourage us to know that our Lord is this faithful and merciful in a time when we see so much wickedness in the world around us? Of course it is! I am reminded of who is faithful when I read a passage such as this! It is the Lord that helps us when we are lacking faith in life!
If this passage has not encouraged you today, maybe it is because you need to accept the mercy of our Lord's forgiveness and receive his faithful hand that is waiting to hold you in the assurance of his salvation. God has offered all men his mercy and forgiveness as a gift of life. Receive his gift of life today by confessing with your mouth that you have sinned and believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead and you will receive the salvation that our Lord has offered you.
The Bible says that with the mouth confession is made and with the heart man believes. The Lord is waiting and wanting to do this for you so that you may also have the living water that flows from God to all who believe, the water that quenches our thirst for a blessed life in Christ.
If you make this decision today, I would like to pray for you. Please email me, Rob Bailes, send to dewforyou@ymail.com and let me know that you have accepted the mercy of God. I will reply and let you know that I am praying for you. Feel free to email any questions as well.
May God's mercy and faithfulness be with you today!
Let's look at a verse written in Psalms by a Shepard who became one of the greatest kings that ever lived in ancient times. Not only that, but God spoke to him and he seemed to be continually speaking to God in song and prayer.
Psalm 36:5
Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds.
What did David mean by this verse? Many times we just breeze through these passages and we get some kind of meaning from the entire passage that we keep locked away in our memory banks, but this verse is so full of revelation, rejuvenation and realization! If we will take a minute to think about what David is saying here, we will see that he has been given the discernment by God to understand that first of all, the Lord has given us mercy of forgiveness. God has given us mercy because when we were living in sin, God reached out to give life to the people on earth even before his son, Jesus, came to die for us.
Secondly, David knew where this mercy came from. In the heavens was the only place that a mercy so unnatural and unlike our nature as men could possibly exist. It was in the heavens that the God of our earth existed and men like David knew this too! Why should ordinary people like you and I who live ordinary lives dispute the words of a divinely appointed man like David in the Bible? Should we doubt the inspired words of the Bible found here in Psalms? God forbid!
Take heed, lest we fall due to our foolish pride if we should even begin to think such thoughts!
Thirdly, David says, "thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds." It is God's faithfulness that always is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! When we become doubtful or allow ourselves to become deceived by the wicked in this world, always remember that God is the great "I AM" and his faithfulness is continual, infinite, everlasting because he is our Lord God Almighty! Only God can offer this kind of faithfulness that will be with you for ever and ever!
The Word of God says that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Once again in this verse we see the tie between our forgiveness through Gods faithfulness to forgive, which we did not earn or deserve, but it is because of the mercy of God in the heavens that we receive this!
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I had recently been shopping with my daughter and grandson and my grandson had a little red balloon that had been given to him by one of the women in the store. He was so happy to have this red balloon floating over his head and his big smile reflected his joy as well! When we were almost to the car the string slipped out of his fingers as they usually do at some point or another. It was at this moment in time that he burst into tears and I told him I would get another, but he kept crying and saying that he wanted that one! So it was no use to try, but he stood there watching the balloon going higher and higher as the tears rolled down his face. I had to just take a moment and share his grief with him, as I too watched the balloon until it finally just disappeared. That's when he said, "It's gone up to heaven now!" and my daughter said, "Yes and Teddy can play with it in heaven". Teddy is the toy poodle that had been at their grandmas house for years and had passed away. Well, he wasn't to excited about this idea, but he did feel sure that it was in heaven because it had disappeared into the clouds.
Keeping this in mind, think about what David said in verse five of Psalm 36.
"...and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds."
David was saying that no matter how far we go or how far we can imagine, the Lord's faithfulness reaches that far! The Lord's faithfulness is outa sight! Does it encourage us to know that our Lord is this faithful and merciful in a time when we see so much wickedness in the world around us? Of course it is! I am reminded of who is faithful when I read a passage such as this! It is the Lord that helps us when we are lacking faith in life!
If this passage has not encouraged you today, maybe it is because you need to accept the mercy of our Lord's forgiveness and receive his faithful hand that is waiting to hold you in the assurance of his salvation. God has offered all men his mercy and forgiveness as a gift of life. Receive his gift of life today by confessing with your mouth that you have sinned and believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead and you will receive the salvation that our Lord has offered you.
The Bible says that with the mouth confession is made and with the heart man believes. The Lord is waiting and wanting to do this for you so that you may also have the living water that flows from God to all who believe, the water that quenches our thirst for a blessed life in Christ.
If you make this decision today, I would like to pray for you. Please email me, Rob Bailes, send to dewforyou@ymail.com and let me know that you have accepted the mercy of God. I will reply and let you know that I am praying for you. Feel free to email any questions as well.
May God's mercy and faithfulness be with you today!
Monday, October 12, 2009
"A Reason To Live!"
Please contact me if you would like to understand more about how God gives us NEW Life in Christ and a reason for living! It isn't something we can earn or deserve! It is FREE to all who accept it!
If you would like to know more, send me an email today and include your contact information. I will be more than glad to take the time to help you understand more about your "reason for living".
Your Friend in the storms,
Rob Bailes
Send emails to: dewforyou@ymail.com
Please contact me if you would like to understand more about how God gives us NEW Life in Christ and a reason for living! It isn't something we can earn or deserve! It is FREE to all who accept it!
If you would like to know more, send me an email today and include your contact information. I will be more than glad to take the time to help you understand more about your "reason for living".
Your Friend in the storms,
Rob Bailes
Send emails to: dewforyou@ymail.com
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Good Service Is Hard To Find Today! ENJOY!
Produced by Fellowship Bible Church.
I have had days just like this! How about you?
Produced by Fellowship Bible Church.
I have had days just like this! How about you?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"But I'm Not Happy"
written by Rob Bailes
Good and Acceptable and Perfect
I know today's subtitle sounds like the description of your favorite ice cream. It could also be the description of your wife when she appeared at the back of the church in her incredible wedding gown! Please ladies, don't get upset! There certainly is no comparison to ice cream and a new bride! I was using the ice cream as an example for the ladies and the bride for the men. I know the men won't mind this as we can relate to both examples! I know my girl's favorite thing is Goodberry's Ice Cream over any other surprise, so hang with me, We're just getting started and I wanted to help everyone get the idea in your minds of the kind of things we are thinking about when we have those three words going through our minds, Good, Acceptable and Perfect!
This is how we often feel about the things or people that are very special to us in life. Things or people that we have waited for and dreamed about can seem so perfect when we finally get to have them and experience that moment we have been waiting for, blessed with the enjoyment of what we could only have imagined before!
When we pray or seek for God's will in our life concerning a situation, we often only accept the really great and awesome things as being God's will. When the going gets rough we may begin to think that something isn't right here and think that maybe made a wrong turn along the way. Maybe things aren't going quite as we had imagined it to go ,so we think that it's time to bail out and start over! I know we all have felt this at some point in our lives, so there's no use in pointing fingers at anybody else in the room. This is a time for each of us to search our own minds and hearts.
Throughout scriptures we find where God chose someone to do His will and it wasn't long before they were experiencing some type of difficulty. Isn't it strange how that happens? But we often relate good times that are filled with blessings and joy to being in the will of God! Is it necessary for everything to be going well to feel that we are fulfilling the purpose of God?
If this was the case, we would have to wonder about almost every man that God had chosen in His Word. Even Abraham, who was the called by God to go to the land of Canaan, experienced a famine shortly after his arrival there. Because of the famine he went to Egypt for help and provisions. He also had to go through the experience of Pharaoh taking his wife away from him! How would we feel about that Guys?
Following this experience he and his wife were escorted back to Canaan by the guards and allowed to keep all that Pharaoh had traded him for his wife. It is all quite confusing at times when you look at everything that took place in the lives of these men if you think about it from a human perspective. I would be asking myself, "Why didn't God just rain down food and make water flow from a rock for Abraham?". The thing that we cannot see is how God used this experience to further develop and mature Abraham in his relationship with a God that he blindly trusted in from the time that he first heard His voice.
Do we ever find ourselves going ahead blindly by faith in life to do what we believe is God's will for us? It is very hard not to rely on our own understanding when things are not going the way we had imagined and dreamed? Do you ever feel like turning around when the tests begin to come your way? There is a scripture that had me baffled for a while as I was seeking God's will and things were not so acceptable and perfect in my life.
Rom 12:1,2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
As I kept looking back at these verses I couldn't help but wonder what I was doing wrong because the last ten words of this verse were not a description of my life and the will of God, "that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". What I decided to do was a literal translation of this verse just to see if it made any more sense to me. I understood verse one, so I started with verse two and I will share what I found with you.
Verse two starts with "And be not conformed to this world". The world "conformed" in the Greek literally means that we should not be "fashioned alike" or "conformed to the same pattern". So, if I feel as though my life isn't matching everyone Else's in the world, that's not a bad thing, right?
The next thing we see in this verse is "but be ye transformed" and this in the Greek literally means "to transform (literally or figuratively "metamorphose"): - change, transfigure, transform". So we are to change, but how? The rest of this sentence may answer this question. It says "by the renewing of your mind" and this in the Greek literally means " by the renovation of your intellect, mind, thinking".
In construction, renovation involves replacing the things that are old and outdated such as the wiring and plumbing but keeping the core of the building in tact. It is the improvement and replacement of the things that could eventually cause further damage and the destruction of the house or building if left unchanged.
The next thing that we see in this verse is "that ye may prove what is good," and this in the Greek literally means "that you can test or to approve as in discerning to know what is good or benefit". So our intellect gets renovated so that we can discern what is going to benefit. But what does it benefit? Let's read on! Verse two goes on to say "and acceptable" meaning in the Greek literally " fully agreeable or well pleasing". Then we read "and perfect". I want to actually share the entire definition from the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary for the word "perfect" used in this verse.
The Greek word is teleios
It is pronounced tel'-i-os
From G5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with G3588) completeness: - of full age, man, perfect.
I'm not sure why the word perfect was used in the King James version, but I like the word "complete" and how it applies to the meaning of God's will in this verse.
The last part of this verse seems very clear "will of God" but I believe that we hear about the will of God so much these days that we tend to roll all three words up into somewhat of a package that becomes more of a "plan". In doing this we miss out on something that has much more meaning! You see God has something for each of us call "His will". Let's look at the definition for "will" from the dictionary also.
The Greek word is thelēma
It is pronounced thel'-ay-mah
From the prolonged form of G2309; a determination (properly the thing), that is, (actively) choice (specifically purpose, decree; abstractly volition) or (passively) inclination: - desire, pleasure, will.
When we put all of these literal meanings together this is what this verse would look like.
And do not fashion yourself according to the same pattern of the past; by implication of the world: but transform and change by the renovation of your intellect, that is mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will), that you can test to approve and discern what is beneficial, fully agreeable and well pleasing, and complete purpose and determination of God according to His desire, pleasure and will.
Now when I read this verse, I can see that it is me that changes. God changes the way I think and make decisions concerning the things that God desires for me. This verse no longer means that the will of God is always going to be good, acceptable and perfect for ME, as I had thought it meant before. The tests are going to come, but they are a part of the will of God! How do I know this, you might ask? Because I have been renovated in my intellect that I may be able to test, approve and discern that which is beneficial, well pleasing and complete purpose of God's desire for me. That's an awesome realization, isn't it?
The next time you feel a test, like Abraham's famine, coming on in your life; read this verse and remember that God has determined something that will be beneficial in His desire for your life, even in the time of testing!
Words of Wisdom
Rom 12:1-3 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Good and Acceptable and Perfect
I know today's subtitle sounds like the description of your favorite ice cream. It could also be the description of your wife when she appeared at the back of the church in her incredible wedding gown! Please ladies, don't get upset! There certainly is no comparison to ice cream and a new bride! I was using the ice cream as an example for the ladies and the bride for the men. I know the men won't mind this as we can relate to both examples! I know my girl's favorite thing is Goodberry's Ice Cream over any other surprise, so hang with me, We're just getting started and I wanted to help everyone get the idea in your minds of the kind of things we are thinking about when we have those three words going through our minds, Good, Acceptable and Perfect!
This is how we often feel about the things or people that are very special to us in life. Things or people that we have waited for and dreamed about can seem so perfect when we finally get to have them and experience that moment we have been waiting for, blessed with the enjoyment of what we could only have imagined before!
When we pray or seek for God's will in our life concerning a situation, we often only accept the really great and awesome things as being God's will. When the going gets rough we may begin to think that something isn't right here and think that maybe made a wrong turn along the way. Maybe things aren't going quite as we had imagined it to go ,so we think that it's time to bail out and start over! I know we all have felt this at some point in our lives, so there's no use in pointing fingers at anybody else in the room. This is a time for each of us to search our own minds and hearts.
Throughout scriptures we find where God chose someone to do His will and it wasn't long before they were experiencing some type of difficulty. Isn't it strange how that happens? But we often relate good times that are filled with blessings and joy to being in the will of God! Is it necessary for everything to be going well to feel that we are fulfilling the purpose of God?
If this was the case, we would have to wonder about almost every man that God had chosen in His Word. Even Abraham, who was the called by God to go to the land of Canaan, experienced a famine shortly after his arrival there. Because of the famine he went to Egypt for help and provisions. He also had to go through the experience of Pharaoh taking his wife away from him! How would we feel about that Guys?
Following this experience he and his wife were escorted back to Canaan by the guards and allowed to keep all that Pharaoh had traded him for his wife. It is all quite confusing at times when you look at everything that took place in the lives of these men if you think about it from a human perspective. I would be asking myself, "Why didn't God just rain down food and make water flow from a rock for Abraham?". The thing that we cannot see is how God used this experience to further develop and mature Abraham in his relationship with a God that he blindly trusted in from the time that he first heard His voice.
Do we ever find ourselves going ahead blindly by faith in life to do what we believe is God's will for us? It is very hard not to rely on our own understanding when things are not going the way we had imagined and dreamed? Do you ever feel like turning around when the tests begin to come your way? There is a scripture that had me baffled for a while as I was seeking God's will and things were not so acceptable and perfect in my life.
Rom 12:1,2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
As I kept looking back at these verses I couldn't help but wonder what I was doing wrong because the last ten words of this verse were not a description of my life and the will of God, "that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". What I decided to do was a literal translation of this verse just to see if it made any more sense to me. I understood verse one, so I started with verse two and I will share what I found with you.
Verse two starts with "And be not conformed to this world". The world "conformed" in the Greek literally means that we should not be "fashioned alike" or "conformed to the same pattern". So, if I feel as though my life isn't matching everyone Else's in the world, that's not a bad thing, right?
The next thing we see in this verse is "but be ye transformed" and this in the Greek literally means "to transform (literally or figuratively "metamorphose"): - change, transfigure, transform". So we are to change, but how? The rest of this sentence may answer this question. It says "by the renewing of your mind" and this in the Greek literally means " by the renovation of your intellect, mind, thinking".
In construction, renovation involves replacing the things that are old and outdated such as the wiring and plumbing but keeping the core of the building in tact. It is the improvement and replacement of the things that could eventually cause further damage and the destruction of the house or building if left unchanged.
The next thing that we see in this verse is "that ye may prove what is good," and this in the Greek literally means "that you can test or to approve as in discerning to know what is good or benefit". So our intellect gets renovated so that we can discern what is going to benefit. But what does it benefit? Let's read on! Verse two goes on to say "and acceptable" meaning in the Greek literally " fully agreeable or well pleasing". Then we read "and perfect". I want to actually share the entire definition from the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary for the word "perfect" used in this verse.
The Greek word is teleios
It is pronounced tel'-i-os
From G5056; complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with G3588) completeness: - of full age, man, perfect.
I'm not sure why the word perfect was used in the King James version, but I like the word "complete" and how it applies to the meaning of God's will in this verse.
The last part of this verse seems very clear "will of God" but I believe that we hear about the will of God so much these days that we tend to roll all three words up into somewhat of a package that becomes more of a "plan". In doing this we miss out on something that has much more meaning! You see God has something for each of us call "His will". Let's look at the definition for "will" from the dictionary also.
The Greek word is thelēma
It is pronounced thel'-ay-mah
From the prolonged form of G2309; a determination (properly the thing), that is, (actively) choice (specifically purpose, decree; abstractly volition) or (passively) inclination: - desire, pleasure, will.
When we put all of these literal meanings together this is what this verse would look like.
And do not fashion yourself according to the same pattern of the past; by implication of the world: but transform and change by the renovation of your intellect, that is mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will), that you can test to approve and discern what is beneficial, fully agreeable and well pleasing, and complete purpose and determination of God according to His desire, pleasure and will.
Now when I read this verse, I can see that it is me that changes. God changes the way I think and make decisions concerning the things that God desires for me. This verse no longer means that the will of God is always going to be good, acceptable and perfect for ME, as I had thought it meant before. The tests are going to come, but they are a part of the will of God! How do I know this, you might ask? Because I have been renovated in my intellect that I may be able to test, approve and discern that which is beneficial, well pleasing and complete purpose of God's desire for me. That's an awesome realization, isn't it?
The next time you feel a test, like Abraham's famine, coming on in your life; read this verse and remember that God has determined something that will be beneficial in His desire for your life, even in the time of testing!
Words of Wisdom
Rom 12:1-3 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"Are We Blessed?"
written by Rob Bailes
Yes, But Why?
As I was studying the life of Abraham, I found myself going backwards in Genesis rather than forwards. My curiosity had the best of me and I wanted to know what happened prior to each generation leading up to the time of Abraham. I wondered how he got to where he was and why. Have you ever felt like there was more to our existence than the immediate life that we live?
Well, there is more and I want to just touch on one of the most important moments in the history of our ancestors and the world. Most everyone is familiar with the great flood and Noah's building of the ark, but how much do we know about what followed this great event? Tracing Abraham's ancestry led me all the way back to Noah's son, Shem. Abraham came from the family tree of Shem and Noah is at the top of the family tree for all of mankind that is alive today. Noah had three sons and the other two were Ham and Japheth. I want to share a couple more details that are recorded about Noah and his sons before getting back to Abraham. It is recorded in Genesis 9:25-27 that Noah declared that Canaan, the son of Ham, would be cursed to serve his other relatives because of something that Ham had done that was wrong. Do you know what he did?
Ham looked at his father when he was asleep and naked, evidently laughing at him and then went and told his brothers to go look at their father. Noah must have seen what Ham did and thus passed this judgement to the Ham's son, Canaan.
How does this tie into the original subject of Abraham's life? Let's read verse twenty-six and see,
Genesis 9:26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
It was as though Noah had the foresight to know that one day Abraham would descend from the family tree of Shem who believed in the true God of all creation and that God would promise Abraham the land of Canaan. That's right, hundreds of years later, maybe even a thousand years had passed before God directed Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a place called Canaan. You see, Noah had been given the authority by God to say what he said that day and God honored his spoken word. Let's look back just a little further to see what God has declared concerning all of mankind following the flood. This includes you and I today my friend, so you'll want to pay very close attention to what I am about to reveal to you!
Gen 9:1-6 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. 2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moves upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. 4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. 5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
First we see that mankind was blessed by God! How great is that? Our life blood was given a blessing by the true God of all creation beginning with the day that God spoke to Noah and his sons. Why do you think God would do this? Do you think that Noah and his sons were possibly wondering, just as we would have, what is going to happen next? The next thing we can see in this passage is that the other creatures were made to fear man even though the animals may have been much stronger and ferocious. God instilled a fear and dread of man upon every beast of the earth and fowl of the air and fishes of the sea. God said that they are delivered into our hands. I don't know about you, but that answered allot of my questions about nature and why animals react the way that they do to people as well. It also clears up some of the compromising positions held by some modern day churches concerning the theory of evolution. If we were created in God's image then there was no need to evolve! Right? The final thing that I saw in verse six was the requirement made by God of anything that takes the life of a man because man is made in the image of God!
If that doesn't make you feel special my friend, I don't know what will! Altogether, in six verses we find out that we are blessed by God, all other living creatures have been given a natural respect and fear for man as long as we don't abuse them and we find that we are made in the image of God and that God won't allow anyone to get away with doing us wrong or taking our life!
I realized as I read this, that just as Abraham lived to go to Canaan as Noah had prophesied hundreds of years earlier, God also has kept His covenant to us as He spoke to Noah and his sons that day. God has blessed mankind; animals do fear man normally and no man can take life without losing his own life for taking the life of one who is created in the image of God! The murderer always gets caught eventually!
Let's take these truths with us today and realize just how much our Heavenly Father loves and wants to bless everyone of us throughout our lives!
Yes, But Why?
As I was studying the life of Abraham, I found myself going backwards in Genesis rather than forwards. My curiosity had the best of me and I wanted to know what happened prior to each generation leading up to the time of Abraham. I wondered how he got to where he was and why. Have you ever felt like there was more to our existence than the immediate life that we live?
Well, there is more and I want to just touch on one of the most important moments in the history of our ancestors and the world. Most everyone is familiar with the great flood and Noah's building of the ark, but how much do we know about what followed this great event? Tracing Abraham's ancestry led me all the way back to Noah's son, Shem. Abraham came from the family tree of Shem and Noah is at the top of the family tree for all of mankind that is alive today. Noah had three sons and the other two were Ham and Japheth. I want to share a couple more details that are recorded about Noah and his sons before getting back to Abraham. It is recorded in Genesis 9:25-27 that Noah declared that Canaan, the son of Ham, would be cursed to serve his other relatives because of something that Ham had done that was wrong. Do you know what he did?
Ham looked at his father when he was asleep and naked, evidently laughing at him and then went and told his brothers to go look at their father. Noah must have seen what Ham did and thus passed this judgement to the Ham's son, Canaan.
How does this tie into the original subject of Abraham's life? Let's read verse twenty-six and see,
Genesis 9:26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
It was as though Noah had the foresight to know that one day Abraham would descend from the family tree of Shem who believed in the true God of all creation and that God would promise Abraham the land of Canaan. That's right, hundreds of years later, maybe even a thousand years had passed before God directed Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a place called Canaan. You see, Noah had been given the authority by God to say what he said that day and God honored his spoken word. Let's look back just a little further to see what God has declared concerning all of mankind following the flood. This includes you and I today my friend, so you'll want to pay very close attention to what I am about to reveal to you!
Gen 9:1-6 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. 2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moves upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. 4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. 5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
First we see that mankind was blessed by God! How great is that? Our life blood was given a blessing by the true God of all creation beginning with the day that God spoke to Noah and his sons. Why do you think God would do this? Do you think that Noah and his sons were possibly wondering, just as we would have, what is going to happen next? The next thing we can see in this passage is that the other creatures were made to fear man even though the animals may have been much stronger and ferocious. God instilled a fear and dread of man upon every beast of the earth and fowl of the air and fishes of the sea. God said that they are delivered into our hands. I don't know about you, but that answered allot of my questions about nature and why animals react the way that they do to people as well. It also clears up some of the compromising positions held by some modern day churches concerning the theory of evolution. If we were created in God's image then there was no need to evolve! Right? The final thing that I saw in verse six was the requirement made by God of anything that takes the life of a man because man is made in the image of God!
If that doesn't make you feel special my friend, I don't know what will! Altogether, in six verses we find out that we are blessed by God, all other living creatures have been given a natural respect and fear for man as long as we don't abuse them and we find that we are made in the image of God and that God won't allow anyone to get away with doing us wrong or taking our life!
I realized as I read this, that just as Abraham lived to go to Canaan as Noah had prophesied hundreds of years earlier, God also has kept His covenant to us as He spoke to Noah and his sons that day. God has blessed mankind; animals do fear man normally and no man can take life without losing his own life for taking the life of one who is created in the image of God! The murderer always gets caught eventually!
Let's take these truths with us today and realize just how much our Heavenly Father loves and wants to bless everyone of us throughout our lives!
Monday, October 5, 2009
"When I Feel All Alone"
written by Rob Bailes
But You're Never Alone!
I'm sure that many of us may have heard this in our lives at some point. I know I've heard it from my mother, father, best of friends and pastors over the years but it really doesn't sink in until we actually are in the middle of a crisis or maybe a conflict in life and we feel as though our prayers are going unheard. We may feel like our communication is cut off because of the circumstances in our life.
The reason I can say this is because I have been there too, my friend. Yes, I have and my life is no different than any of your lives in that we all are just as susceptible to experiencing the very same things! We are all just a decision away from going through what may seem like the most difficult moment of our lives. It happens every day to people just like you and I!
Children or their peers sometimes make choices that lead them into fatal accidents that leave a parent aching with loneliness for their child. A spouse decides to give up working at a relationship and seek out other means of fulfilling their desires, leaving the other feeling rejected, hurt and alone. A best friend suddenly looses trust because of something that someone else has deceitfully said about you and you have found yourself without the security that was built in knowing you had a friend in whom you could confide. Your co-worker has decided that it is their best interest to be dishonest and point blame at you by meeting with your boss behind closed doors; leading to their promotion or your demotion. You have found yourself betrayed, hurt and maybe even exposed by the one you trusted and felt was so sincere in their care for you; later to find that they only had ulterior motives.
There are many situations when we can feel betrayed, like no one's listening, alone and hopeless in life and these moments can come without warning!
I can offer to pray for you, take you into the church and pray over you, take you into the support groups and find compassion and understanding for you; even get you counseling to help you understand why things happened like they did, but I cannot take your feelings of hurt and loneliness away, no matter how hard I try!
Have you ever noticed how quickly your child reacts when they fall and skin their knee or elbow? The first thing that they do is to run to you for some immediate comfort! Right? They need you to hold them and tell them it's going to be ok, but we cannot heal their wounds. The best thing we can do is to wash it off, apply some ointment and maybe a bandage and then try to get them to think about something else that they will enjoy! Right? It amazes me how long my child will whine and cry about a minor injury as long as I don't stop and give her some attention. Why is that?
We are made to desire love and care, especially when we are hurt! Just think about the words of Jesus on the cross when He was in so much pain and suffering. Jesus cried out on the cross to His father for compassion. Let's read,
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
No matter how small the pain or how large the crisis, we long for compassion and the care of our father. We usually call our earthly father first, followed by calling out to our heavenly father. Why? Because we were made, given life, allowed the freedom to sin and adopted back into the family of Christ by our Father in Heaven which all proves His love for us. We run to those we know will love us! Another thing I noticed about a child that has sustained an injury is that they look around for the one whose arms are held out to accept them. I have seen a child get hurt and look all the way around the room, but the first person that holds out their arms is the one that they will run to.
This is what David of the Psalms was looking for when he wrote Psalm thirteen. David was feeling deserted and alone as his enemy was seeking to take his life! He wanted God to wipe them out and let him live a life of love and protection and security, but God was teaching David something important. When you read today's scripture below, notice how David's song changes towards the end of the chapter and he affirms his confidence. David doesn't say, "I will trust".
He says, "I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart will rejoice in your salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me."
There was a period when I had felt so weary and it seemed that all that I did kept returning to me bad results! It seemed as though there was no possibility of ever maintaining peace with the ones who were mistreating me. I was so miserable that I had reached a point of almost feeling as though I had no hope for living, just as David states in verse three of Psalms thirteen. It seemed like those who had it in for me were shouting the victory and laughing in my face as they attacked my very character in an attempt to get me to react in my flesh and attack back. You will see how David also felt this way when he says in verse four that those who troubled him rejoice when he is moved!
As I was going to work, I had just gotten off of my cell phone following another attack on my spirit and character while sitting at a stop light. Dropping my head down to the steering wheel, I said out loud, "Oh LORD, I have trusted in you and I know that you are going to save me from this, BUT what do I do right now to get through this moment! Please help me know what to do right now!". When I raised my head from the steering wheel the light had changed and the traffic had begun to move forward. Just as the car in front of me began to roll away the license plate delivered a message that only my Lord and Savior could have possibly orchestrated that day! The license tag on the car in front of me read in quotations, "YE SING" !
I couldn't believe my eyes! I had read this chapter in Psalms before but it had faded into the back of my mind. God knew what I needed in this very moment and in every moment that I felt this loneliness. I tried to think of a song that I had sang most of my life growing up and the first thing that came to mind was "Sweetest Name I Know".
Come on! Sing with me today!
There's within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still
In all of life's ebb and flow
Though sometimes he leads through waters deep
Trials fall across the way
Though sometimes the path seems rough and steep
See his footprints all the way
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Sweetest name I know
Fills my every longing
Keeps me singing as I go
Feasting on the riches of his grace
Resting ‘neath the sheltering wing
Always looking on his smiling face
That is why I shout and sing
Words of Wisdom
Psalm 13:1-6 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?
3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;
4 Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
6 I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.
But You're Never Alone!
I'm sure that many of us may have heard this in our lives at some point. I know I've heard it from my mother, father, best of friends and pastors over the years but it really doesn't sink in until we actually are in the middle of a crisis or maybe a conflict in life and we feel as though our prayers are going unheard. We may feel like our communication is cut off because of the circumstances in our life.
The reason I can say this is because I have been there too, my friend. Yes, I have and my life is no different than any of your lives in that we all are just as susceptible to experiencing the very same things! We are all just a decision away from going through what may seem like the most difficult moment of our lives. It happens every day to people just like you and I!
Children or their peers sometimes make choices that lead them into fatal accidents that leave a parent aching with loneliness for their child. A spouse decides to give up working at a relationship and seek out other means of fulfilling their desires, leaving the other feeling rejected, hurt and alone. A best friend suddenly looses trust because of something that someone else has deceitfully said about you and you have found yourself without the security that was built in knowing you had a friend in whom you could confide. Your co-worker has decided that it is their best interest to be dishonest and point blame at you by meeting with your boss behind closed doors; leading to their promotion or your demotion. You have found yourself betrayed, hurt and maybe even exposed by the one you trusted and felt was so sincere in their care for you; later to find that they only had ulterior motives.
There are many situations when we can feel betrayed, like no one's listening, alone and hopeless in life and these moments can come without warning!
I can offer to pray for you, take you into the church and pray over you, take you into the support groups and find compassion and understanding for you; even get you counseling to help you understand why things happened like they did, but I cannot take your feelings of hurt and loneliness away, no matter how hard I try!
Have you ever noticed how quickly your child reacts when they fall and skin their knee or elbow? The first thing that they do is to run to you for some immediate comfort! Right? They need you to hold them and tell them it's going to be ok, but we cannot heal their wounds. The best thing we can do is to wash it off, apply some ointment and maybe a bandage and then try to get them to think about something else that they will enjoy! Right? It amazes me how long my child will whine and cry about a minor injury as long as I don't stop and give her some attention. Why is that?
We are made to desire love and care, especially when we are hurt! Just think about the words of Jesus on the cross when He was in so much pain and suffering. Jesus cried out on the cross to His father for compassion. Let's read,
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
No matter how small the pain or how large the crisis, we long for compassion and the care of our father. We usually call our earthly father first, followed by calling out to our heavenly father. Why? Because we were made, given life, allowed the freedom to sin and adopted back into the family of Christ by our Father in Heaven which all proves His love for us. We run to those we know will love us! Another thing I noticed about a child that has sustained an injury is that they look around for the one whose arms are held out to accept them. I have seen a child get hurt and look all the way around the room, but the first person that holds out their arms is the one that they will run to.
This is what David of the Psalms was looking for when he wrote Psalm thirteen. David was feeling deserted and alone as his enemy was seeking to take his life! He wanted God to wipe them out and let him live a life of love and protection and security, but God was teaching David something important. When you read today's scripture below, notice how David's song changes towards the end of the chapter and he affirms his confidence. David doesn't say, "I will trust".
He says, "I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart will rejoice in your salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me."
There was a period when I had felt so weary and it seemed that all that I did kept returning to me bad results! It seemed as though there was no possibility of ever maintaining peace with the ones who were mistreating me. I was so miserable that I had reached a point of almost feeling as though I had no hope for living, just as David states in verse three of Psalms thirteen. It seemed like those who had it in for me were shouting the victory and laughing in my face as they attacked my very character in an attempt to get me to react in my flesh and attack back. You will see how David also felt this way when he says in verse four that those who troubled him rejoice when he is moved!
As I was going to work, I had just gotten off of my cell phone following another attack on my spirit and character while sitting at a stop light. Dropping my head down to the steering wheel, I said out loud, "Oh LORD, I have trusted in you and I know that you are going to save me from this, BUT what do I do right now to get through this moment! Please help me know what to do right now!". When I raised my head from the steering wheel the light had changed and the traffic had begun to move forward. Just as the car in front of me began to roll away the license plate delivered a message that only my Lord and Savior could have possibly orchestrated that day! The license tag on the car in front of me read in quotations, "YE SING" !
I couldn't believe my eyes! I had read this chapter in Psalms before but it had faded into the back of my mind. God knew what I needed in this very moment and in every moment that I felt this loneliness. I tried to think of a song that I had sang most of my life growing up and the first thing that came to mind was "Sweetest Name I Know".
Come on! Sing with me today!
There's within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still
In all of life's ebb and flow
Though sometimes he leads through waters deep
Trials fall across the way
Though sometimes the path seems rough and steep
See his footprints all the way
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Sweetest name I know
Fills my every longing
Keeps me singing as I go
Feasting on the riches of his grace
Resting ‘neath the sheltering wing
Always looking on his smiling face
That is why I shout and sing
Words of Wisdom
Psalm 13:1-6 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?
3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;
4 Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
6 I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"This Could Change Your Life"

The photo attached is a picture of something that is hanging on my refrigerator. I recreated the copy that was given to me in 1985 by a marriage counselor. What he told me that day changed me for the rest of my life!
What he told me was that we all have negative thoughts but we have a choice to change this to a positive thought before we open our mouths or take any action. That is what the arrow represents in between the two triangles. Once we have thought about how to change our thought and we do, then we can act on it and we will end up with positive results.
I don't think anyone anyone really wants negative results in their life but sometime we don't even know when we are thinking negative. The counselor was Kevin Myers and Kevin showed me how we subconsciously pick up our parents habits. Though two people who are negative and positive may balance each other in a relationship, when left to themselves the negative one will typically create negative results.
Kevin Myers may not have known it at the time but he actually pointed me in the direction that changed my life beginning the day that he told me to place these posters around my house where I could see them. I left them there for a couple of months. That was long enough for me to change my habit of thinking negative and I saw it in the results of everything I did after that time. Guess what, I have put them up again! I'll admit to you all that as long as I am on this earth that the problems of this world will keep us thinking negative and acting on these thoughts. I believe we are told to think on things that are good and pure and this exercise will help us all to do just that! God bless you and your family this weekend!
Note: If you cannot read the words in the picture; it says "Negative Thought" in the triangle on the left; "Negative Action" in the circle on the left and "Negative Results" in the square. The right side is the same but substitute "Positive" in place of the word "Negative".
Words of Wisdom
Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
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