"YIELD" To Oncoming Traffic
The last thing, in our four part study on praying, is that it is essential that we develop an attitude that is able to yield to the incoming reply. It doesn't do much good to ask if we are gong to delete every reply that we don't totally agree with. Many times we keep asking for the same things and God keeps giving us something different. Why do you think that this happens? Does God not understand what we are asking for? Is it possible that our prayer is getting intercepted by some other force and it comes out scrambled when it gets to God? I have thought about the many ways that my prayer must have been blocked on it's way to God! Then I thought about how so many times I look up into the sky or into the darkness of my bedroom as I prayed and wondered if God heard me; then coming to the realization that He hears every single word we say if He dwells in us. That's right! How can someone live in your house and not hear you? It's impossible unless someone isn't in communion with the other.
What if you had been ignoring someone who lived with you; maybe your spouse, your parent or a friend and suddenly you buddied up to them when you saw that they had something you needed? Do you think that would work out for you? What if it was the other way around and you had been trying to help the other person to do more with their life and they asked you for enough money and things to live out the rest of their life just like they had been living their life up to this point? Would you give it to them if you could and not try to help them improve? If you loved them, I believe you would have to stop and evaluate the situation and do what's best for them. Isn't that how it works sometimes when we ask for the things we want?
If we approach an intersection and we are merging into traffic, there is usually a sign there that says "Yield". Why should we yield to oncoming traffic in the first place? They can see me coming and they know I'm on my way into their lane! The fact is, that when we are moving ahead in life and looking for a change to take place, if we don't yield to God and move ahead when He wants us to move ahead, chances are we are going to find ourselves in a position that we don't really wish to find ourselves. It could even be off the shoulder of the road and stuck there until we can get someone to pull us out. Are you relating what I'm saying to life?
I'm not really talking about cars or roads in this message. What I'm saying is that the best way to stay on the course that God has for your life is to yield to Him when we decide it's time to make that right turn on the journey to reach the goals we have set. My dad always told us to stop, look and listen!
Pretty good advice; don't you think?
Romans 6:13,14
Neither yield you your body parts as instruments of unrighteousness to sin: but yield yourselves to God as though they are alive from the dead, and your body parts as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin will not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law but under grace.
The last thing, in our four part study on praying, is that it is essential that we develop an attitude that is able to yield to the incoming reply. It doesn't do much good to ask if we are gong to delete every reply that we don't totally agree with. Many times we keep asking for the same things and God keeps giving us something different. Why do you think that this happens? Does God not understand what we are asking for? Is it possible that our prayer is getting intercepted by some other force and it comes out scrambled when it gets to God? I have thought about the many ways that my prayer must have been blocked on it's way to God! Then I thought about how so many times I look up into the sky or into the darkness of my bedroom as I prayed and wondered if God heard me; then coming to the realization that He hears every single word we say if He dwells in us. That's right! How can someone live in your house and not hear you? It's impossible unless someone isn't in communion with the other.
What if you had been ignoring someone who lived with you; maybe your spouse, your parent or a friend and suddenly you buddied up to them when you saw that they had something you needed? Do you think that would work out for you? What if it was the other way around and you had been trying to help the other person to do more with their life and they asked you for enough money and things to live out the rest of their life just like they had been living their life up to this point? Would you give it to them if you could and not try to help them improve? If you loved them, I believe you would have to stop and evaluate the situation and do what's best for them. Isn't that how it works sometimes when we ask for the things we want?
If we approach an intersection and we are merging into traffic, there is usually a sign there that says "Yield". Why should we yield to oncoming traffic in the first place? They can see me coming and they know I'm on my way into their lane! The fact is, that when we are moving ahead in life and looking for a change to take place, if we don't yield to God and move ahead when He wants us to move ahead, chances are we are going to find ourselves in a position that we don't really wish to find ourselves. It could even be off the shoulder of the road and stuck there until we can get someone to pull us out. Are you relating what I'm saying to life?
I'm not really talking about cars or roads in this message. What I'm saying is that the best way to stay on the course that God has for your life is to yield to Him when we decide it's time to make that right turn on the journey to reach the goals we have set. My dad always told us to stop, look and listen!
Pretty good advice; don't you think?
Romans 6:13,14
Neither yield you your body parts as instruments of unrighteousness to sin: but yield yourselves to God as though they are alive from the dead, and your body parts as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin will not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law but under grace.