How Did Peter Do It?
Matthew 14:28-29
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
In this passage we find the disciples of Jesus in a ship and there was a storm at sea. The previous verses say that the ship was being tossed by the waves. I have been in a boat in the storm and I know how that feels. Not only does it cause you to feel very vulnerable but it also can make you feel pretty sea sick! Fortunately I didn't get sick but I did feel my sense of self reliance drain right out of me. As the ship bounced around, I felt smaller and smaller in that huge relentless sea of water. It is especially humiliating when the waves next to you are higher than the ships deck and you are hoping your boat is going to float over that next wave. It doesn't take long for fear to set in and doubting whether your ship is really going to hold together. I remember thinking about how much work must have gone into the construction of the boat I was in and I began to wonder if everyone had sincerely done their job well or did someone half heartily fasten a beam of joint in the boat. Was it going to hold up? That is what began to paralyze me with fear! I had all of this going on inside of my mind without anyone else saying a single word. What started my fear though was the wave! It was the wave that was higher than the boat and appeared that it would crash over the boat.
Have you ever felt like that? The problem you have suddenly been faced with is greater and stronger than you and you can't take your eyes off of those waves. They keep rolling in and bouncing your life around? Sometimes it may feel as though there is no stable ground to stand on in this world. Maybe the shore is so far away that you can't even see the ground? I have found this to be true in my life at times and it was all I could to hang on! The circumstances had shaken my courage and my confidence and the only thing I could feel was fear for my future.
Think about what caused the fear that I had felt and the disciples had felt in the storm. The waves presented a danger but the boat was made to withstand a typical storm at sea! It had been built and tested to be labeled sea worthy! The men who were operating the ship were experienced, but something brought fear into my mind out on that boat in the storm. The thing that caused me to fear was my doubt. I began to wonder if the boat was going to carry us safely home and that doubt had caused me to fear. You see, fear is a fruit and unbelief is the root.
We often want to overcome those feelings of fear by clinging to something for support and security, but it's the doubt that we must deal with or we will always be producing the fruit of fear in our lives.
When Jesus came walking towards the ship that night, the disciples were undoubtedly already shaken by the storm and they immediately began to imagine that they were seeing a spirit or as we would say a ghost. Let's look at verse twenty-six,
Matthew 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
Then Jesus spoke to them in the middle of this storm and calmed their fears. He says in the next verse,
Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
What did Jesus say? Be happy! It is I! Don't be afraid!
Jesus had no intentions whatsoever to cause them to fear, but they felt overwhelmed, alone, overpowered by the waves and now shaken by this man walking on the sea. Don't you see it my friend? It is in the storms of life when all seems in doubt that Jesus encourages us to watch for something miraculous and unbelievable to happen. When it does, don't question or imagine something off the wall! Realize that it is our Lord working in the power of the Spirit in your life and He will calm those storms. He will take away the fear and help you with your belief in Him.
Peter was the only one who came up with the crazy idea of walking on the water. I can imagine when he saw Jesus that his first thought was that he would love to do that too. His mind went to work and he figured out how to get his chance to walk on the water. He sort of threw out a challenge to Jesus. Peter asked Jesus to allow him to do the impossible if He was truly Jesus. You know, as I read this, I realized that Peter wanted to hear his Lord give him the command before he stepped out of the boat. This is a very wise thing to remember in life. Let's take a look at what he said,
Matthew 14:28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
They were so afraid that it says, they were grown men crying out. I can't quite imagine what they were saying, but I bet it was pretty insane. Have you ever been to a scary movie or haunted house where you knew it wasn't real, but still got scared. Well this was real alright and these guys were scared out of their wits!
It was Peter who had enough courage that day in the middle of the storm and the waves to ask Jesus to invite him out onto the waves. Maybe he really thought it wasn't Jesus and the spirit would just vanish or go away. But what we see next is that Peter was ready when that miracle happened and Jesus called him,"Come". Peter climbed down out of the ship and he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
Something happened to Peter as he began to make his way into this supernatural situation. Jesus was able to work this miracle through him as long as he believed. Was it the fear that caused Peter to sink when he saw the waves and wind? No. It wasn't his fear, but rather something much deeper. It went all the way down to the root of what produced the fear and that was what he felt when he looked at the circumstances that he was in physically. His heart lacked the belief in his Lord for just a moment and right at that moment the miracle that he was experiencing became powerless.
Yes, he called out to Jesus to save him and the Word says "immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
What did Jesus ask him at that moment? Did Jesus say, "What did you fear?" Jesus asked him why he doubted and then they walked to the ship together. Peter was the only one who had the boldness to take that first step and a few more before he began to doubt, but Jesus understood and Jesus took his hand.
This reminds me of parents teaching their child to take those first steps. They know the child will not make it all the way the first time they try. They know they will have to pick up their child and start over again; not just once, but many times until the child gains enough confidence and balance to be able to make it across the room. When a child makes those achievements, the parents don't wait until they can run marathons before they clap their hands and cheer. They are cheering the child on from the first step and every time they try! Remember what Jesus told the disciples when they were scared out of their wits? Jesus told them to be of good cheer; it is I; don't be afraid. We coaxed our children along with those same words as we convince them to let go and takes those first, second and third steps to mom or dad.
"Don't be afraid of the storms of life that create doubt!"
"Just Believe!"
"Jesus will perform His miracles in your life if you Believe in Him!"
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
"Where Does The Time Go?"

How Much Time Do You Really Have?
I want to provoke a thought to carry with you and ponder as you go through this day, night or possibly in the next hour. What is time and can we truly possess it?
Ever since man has existed the earth and the planets in our universe have rotated and moved in such a pattern that creates light and darkness that was called day and night. Part of the reason for this difference was so that the creatures that were created to live in darkness could surface and do their thing while the rest of the creatures rested. Another reason was because we have been made in such a way that we prefer to rest when it is dark and move about in the light.
Ever since the deceit and sinful nature of man has existed there have been dangers lurking in the darkness when it is easier to go unnoticed.
That is when more businesses are robbed, working people get plastered, people go to clubs looking for their one night stand, men and women walk the street offering their bodies for hire, cars are broken into, professionals slip off to the adult entertainment stores, drugs are sold on the street and I could go on with a list that would fill this page.
Why do people choose to do these things when night time comes?
It is a time when we feel that we are not noticed and we think that the darkness hides us from not only other people but from God. Ever since the time that Adam and Eve hid in the garden from God, we have been following in their footsteps.
What I want to bring to our attention today is something that I have found in my study that I feel would make a huge difference in the way that we see people and the world around us, hence causing us to change the way we live. Once a revelation takes place, there must be some type of change that takes place, good or bad. That is just a principle that we have no control over!
Today I want to introduce to you a revelation that will change the way you see time forever. If this is old news for you, then just bear with me.
"In the beginning of time". This is a phrase that has been the center of discussions for ages among scientists, scholars and theologians. Time is basically the identified location of when something took place. We never just talk about time. For example, I wouldn't say to you, "Hey, eight o'clock last night was a really good time to exist, wasn't it?" or "Did you like five o'clock yesterday?" Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? I might say to you though, "Hey, that concert downtown at eight o'clock was really awesome!"
The purpose for our having time is primarily for reference to what we have done, are doing or going to do in the future. It gives us a reference point and we can figure out the distance from now until that time. Ok, now we get to the point of what this understanding means to our lives today.
Until God made light, "the sun", and began the rotation of the planets, time didn't officially begin as we know it! All that existed before this point was Eternity because the planetary rotations had not started our reference for day, night, hours of the day, minutes and seconds. Are you with me? Understand?
If this had not begun and we were created without this put into motion, would we have what we call "time" or would we have what existed before which was "eternity"? If God allowed us to understand time by giving us a reference of light and darkness, what happened to eternity?
The fact is that "Eternity" still exists but "time" is all that we can see on our earth because we have created a time scale for everything!I know this is to much information for some people, but it is factual and can be proven right in the first chapter of Genesis.
This is very important for us to grasp and I will explain to you why it is so important! The reason that we need to understand is because God gave Moses the revelation to know and record what happened in the beginning.
God wishes for those who believe to know how the earth began and to realize that this is not all there is to life!
There is a time for us to spend here on this earth, but our spirits do not just vanish when this period of time has passed. We are going to go from tracking time in these bodies to another period that in the Bible is referred to as life or death for "eternity".Remember that "eternity" existed before the earth was created and put into orbit around the sun.
You see, "time", as we know it, is relative to the movement of the planets in our galaxy but it hasn't changed the fact that "eternity" exists. Considering the fact that we have no control over time and we cannot change the past or the future, what is it that God would have us focus our attention on?
Should we constantly be thinking about eternity and what it will be like to have all the time we want?
Should we be focused on the past and what we should or could have done differently?
Is it possible that anyone who believes in the infinite God; the great "I Am" who always has been and always will be there for them; should not focus their attention on either the past or the future?
There is a passage in God's Word that tells us that we shouldn't worry about the future in this world because we have no guarantee that it will come to pass.
Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
The only "time" that you have is right now! Take action and do those thing that matter most today! Share, care and be there for those who need your love!
So what is it that we should be focusing our minds on? I believe God's point to us is that we should focus on now and what we should do to show others that we love them. That goes for all of you guys out there too! I know it isn't macho in today's world to show love to your brother but it's ok in God's world and that's a world that is built on love! I love the following verses that put into perspective how things should work in this life for those who believe in God!
Matthew 6:24-34
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
What we are to do is this; Live your life for right now! This is the only "time" you really have possession of and only you can decide what you are doing with that "time"!
If you know someone that hasn't come to know God, then "now" would be the best time to tell them about the change that took place in your life.
There was a Spanish man that worked on a project that I helped supervise while we were building a thirty-three story building in downtown Raleigh, NC called the RBC Plaza . This man was only twenty-one years old and was always smiling and telling jokes in his broken spanglish. I always thought about talking to him when I would get onto the elevator since his job was to run everyone up and down for the last six months of the job. I must have seen him a thousand times or more and God had put a passion in my heart to reach out to him. The only problem was that the elevator was always jambed full of people and there was always something I was in a hurry to get to somewhere in the building.
As "time" went by I couldn't understand why God kept putting this desire in my heart but the time wasn't available. He would rush off right after work and was impossible to catch. I finally realized that the time had to be arranged by God alone.
I began to pray for this opportunity and it wasn't a week later that the elevator was occupied for the day by the owners and I was able to put him to doing something different. As I assigned him to clean up the parking lot where everyone had stored materials, it occurred to me that this was my moment. I started helping him pick up the debris and he thought I had lost my mind at first because the other superintendents just don't do that kind of thing in the commercial building business.
As I continued to help and ask questions about his family, he began to relax and open up. I had shown him that I was no better than he by picking up the debris with him and he was ready to listen to what I had to say.
It was on that day that I shared the message that God had made the world and that Jesus had died for us so we could have forgiveness and "eternal life" and how one day this life would end. He understood and told me that he believed in God right there in the middle of that trashy storage yard. You see, the time to share God with others doesn't have to be in the perfect place and perfect "time" that we would choose. The only perfect "time" is right now!
I told you this story because the project finally came to an end and Evelio went back home to Mexico while I stayed here in Raleigh, NC and was laid off due to the economic crisis of our country. It had been about three months when I received the news that Evelio had been tragically killed in a car accident with three other people. It was a head on collision and his death was instant.
He had passed from the "time" on this earth into "eternity"! It helped me to realize the importance of "time" and how I spend each moment!
Take "time" to talk to your children about the kingdom of God and the "time" to help them understand the revelation given to us of how the world was created and exists. This is a basic foundation of understanding that helps us relate the principle of time to life on earth.
Serve the Lord today, "right now", with gladness!
Finally, I want to say that there is another way, by which we measure life that I hadn't mentioned before and it is known only by those that are in their final days, hours or minutes on this earth. We can measure time in those final moments by the breaths that we take! Many times the length of a person's life here on earth is predetermined by nurses and doctors simply by watching their breathing. The breaths that we take are a measurement of time that we often don't even consider! I want you to take time to notice your breathing for one minute each day. Just for a minute stop, count and come to a realization that for almost every breath that we take someone passes from their "time" on earth into their time in "eternity". Eternity that God promises to those who believe in Him and share His love.
1John 3:23-24
23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.
Show those that you know how much they mean to you today and make things right with those who are your enemies, at least in your own heart so that you can truly "live" for the "time" that really matters!
Remember my question at the beginning? How much time do you have?
The only time that you really have is "NOW".
Matthew 6:33-34
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Take this assurance with you today!
Philipians 4:13 I can do all things THROUGH Christ which strengthens me!
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"Guard Your Courtyard"

A House Divided Against Itself
Luke 11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls.
Many times we have heard in the news about the division between the people who make the laws and pass the bills in Washington DC. Some of them want morally correct laws and some of them want laws that will appeal to popular opinion, whether it's right or wrong. We can see that there is more than one power at work in our world and it isn't kept as a secret anymore! People are openly standing up for the very things that cause us and our children to stumble and become confused and it can happen just by association and not guarding our minds and hearts. Some people who are calling themselves religious may have already bought into the popular opinions but I want to share with you what Jesus said himself about this very topic of discussion.
In verse eleven of the book of Luke, Jesus says that every royalty and every marriage that is divided will fail. I am using words found in the literal Greek dictionaries so that we can understand what it literally means. Royalty represents the top leaders, the decision makers for a city, state or country and we see that when there is division Jesus says that the results of this will be a falling or failing of unity. The Greek word pipto, which is the word used in this passage "falls", is kin to the another Greek word which means "to fly" and through the idea of alighting; to fall. This meaning demonstrates a natural falling, as a leaf that would fall from a tree in the fall of the year. It falls slowly to the ground all on it's own, once the fluids have drained from it's veins causing the leaf to dry up and the wind has blown causing it to break free from the branch, drifting slowly and so quietly that it is almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. That is, until it is time to clean up the yard!
Isn't it that way it is with governments, churches and homes also? The division of people causes the very foundation to begin to shift and crack ever so slowly. So slowly that it is often unnoticed by the ones that it will eventually impact the most. It happens in our governments and it happens in our homes every day. What happens over time is the foundation that shifts and cracks begins to give way to instability and what once was our solid foundation is now in pieces and cannot stand over time. Now let's look at what Jesus says next,
Luke 11:21-22
21 When a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace:
22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divides his spoils.
The literal translation in the Greek says "when a valiant, powerful man that is equipped fully with armor is on guard over his yard or court that is open around his house or his property is at peace and by implication- they are prospering together as one again. What we see here is that his whole life basically is at peace. When did Jesus say this would happen?
When a valiant, strong man is fully equipped to protect his property. I want you to see something else in this passage too.
Jesus used the word "aule" where we see palace in the KJV of the Bible and this word actually means the "outer yard or court" of his house. This is refering to the type of real estate that is owned by the upper class and that are owned by very prosperous people in our modern terms. Jesus used this example because he wants us to see ourselves in this way.
Let me back up a little bit so you will understand why Jesus began to tell the Pharisees this in the first place. Stay with me because what I am getting ready to share with you will most likely come as a surprise when you get the whole picture!
It could literally be the very lesson that would solve many of the problems we have in our lives today, publicly and privately!
I backed up to the beginning of this chapter because I wanted to see why Jesus was telling these religious leaders (Pharisees) about protecting their property and standing guard over their mansions! Doesn't that kind of spark your curiosity too? Here's what I found!
The disciples had asked Jesus to teach them how they should pray. Jesus obliged them and actually prayed a prayer to his Father in Heaven for them to hear.
Then Jesus taught them to ask for the Holy Spirit and told them how much their Heavenly Father wanted to give them the sacred Spirit of Christ. Now they knew how to pray and they knew how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
The next thing Jesus did was to demonstrate His power and strength in casting out the devil and allowing someone who had been dumb to speak. Some of the Pharisees had been saying that Jesus did this with the power of Beelzebub or Satan and others were wanting him to give them a sign from Heaven.
That's when Jesus began to tell them about the kingdom that is divided and how it is brought to waste and ruins.
Jesus wanted them to accept His teaching which was to help them and give them a life of peace and solve their problems publicly and privately. It was through prayer to the Father; power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and protection in being fully equipped that our leaders and our homes would not be divided.
Jesus was teaching us to avoid failure, but many times people will reject the teachings of Christ in the scriptures and without even noticing they will fall like the leaf that goes unnoticed in the fall winds, drifting slowly to the ground.
It is many times too late, when we see the mess that is left to clean up and the damage is done. How long will we continue to remain deaf and dumb? The Lord says in the next few verses that when an evil spirit is gone and the house is cleaned up that it will return with even more powerful spirits to make even more trouble than before and attempt to destroy that house.
Is there an opening in the courtyard or the yard that surrounds your property? The Lord was teaching us all along about our spirit and how we can protect our home from being divided. Has the evil spirit caught you or your family off guard in the past?
I must admit that as a human living in this world, there have been times when I didn't protect my courtyard and wasn't equipped fully with the armor I needed and it wasn't long before division set in. Our ears and eyes were not open to the Word but rather our eyes were on each other or on the things that bring us pride and pleasure in life. The evil spirits are as a valiant and strong man and we must remain strong and equipped fully to stand up when they make their attempts to penetrate our souls. It depends allot on how we pray; where we find our power and where we turn for the protection we will need to stand strong.
A woman who was in the crowd lifted up her voice and shouted out, "the woman who had brought Jesus into the world and fed him as a baby was blessed!" But Jesus took the blessing that this woman felt that Mary had received and turned it around to give right back to everyone there. There was a catch though for them to receive it! Let's look at verse twenty-eight,
Luke 11:28
But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
We find in the literal Greek translation this to say, "Yea rather, Supremely blessed and fortunate are they that hear the words of God and watch or be on guard themselves"
Supremely blessed is what I want my life to be described as in the spiritual realm. Don't confuse this with the things of this world when you gather in your church groups and look around at others and see what they do or don't possess materially.
Don't compare your suit, car or house with anyone else's to determine this blessing on your life.
This is talking about the only blessing that matters and that is the blessing of hearing and protecting the words of God in your mind, your spirit and in your body! Stay fully equipped! Don't let the strong and valiant man of Satan catch you out of your courtyard and seeking after other things meant to draw you away from standing firm in understanding the Words of God.
Lastly we must remember that the Words of God are all through the Bible, but the key words that we repeatedly hear are, to love as you wish to be loved, forgive as you have been forgiven and to give as you have been given. Is there a spirit of division in your heart, your home, your church, your government?
Stand guard over your heart, mind and soul and understand what Jesus taught us in the eleventh chapter of Luke.
How to Pray to the Father!
How to Praise God for the power of the Holy Spirit!
How to Protect your hearts, your homes, your church and your nation!
How to Position yourself on guard, out in the courtyard, where the evil spirits attempt to make their entry.
What is the courtyard to our body, soul and mind? Where would evil enter our bodies first? Let's look at how we find ourselves being drawn into situations that are not pleasing to God. There are three basic tools that Satan uses to divide and conquer.
Lust of the eyes. Lust of the flesh through taste, touch, smell and hearing. Pride of life through vanity, self praise, ego, boasting, flatery, popularity and possessions.
If you think about any problem you might be having or have experienced in your life, you will find that each one was caused by one of these tools. This is why Jesus tells us to stand guard in the courtyard; not in the study or the workout room or the bedroom. Jesus has taught us well and those who will hear the word of God and be on guard to protect and obey what they have learned will be makarios! That is the Greek for "blessed" in this verse which means "supremely blessed" and it sounds just like it is spelled, mak-ar-ee-os. The Webster definition for the word supreme is "of the highest authority"!
My desire today is that you will choose for your life, your home, your church and your country to be "makarios", "blessed by our highest authority, the Supreme Divinity of God! "
Luke 11:28
But Jesus said, rather, supremely blessed (makarios) are you that hear (akouo) understanding the thing said (logo) and the thought or motive of (theos) the supreme Divinity of God and (phulasso) to watch and be on guard that you obey it.
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-121
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
"Another Silent Night"
This video has been used by God to touch my heart and I hope you will receive it's message as well with an open heart!
Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"My Brother Sleeps"

Dedicated to Harry "Flip" Kissinger & Family
A Time Of Sorrow ?
1Thessalonians 4:13-14
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
This is a profound message presented by Paul to the Thessalonian who believed in God. Paul was assuring them that those who had passed from this life before them would also be brought back with God one day if they believed. Paul was inspired by God to write about this in this passage of the Holy Bible and I believe it was written not only because Paul wished for the believers in his day to be encouraged, but also because God wishes for the believers in our day to be encouraged as well!
As I spent the evening at the visitation of my dear friend Flip, who had passed away, I saw about two thousand or more people show up to show their sympathy and support for my friends parents, his wife, daughters and entire family. He won many hearts through his sincere friendship, supporting his family and service as a fireman for the last twelve years of his life. My friend who passed away was only 35 years old and it seemed so sad that he had not had the chance to live out his later years. I could see the sadness on many faces there and the confused expressions as we talked about his life; his family and the memories. As I found myself feeling more and more sorrowful, I remembered times when I had encouraged others with the hope that one day they would be able to meet again. Nobody said anything like this to me at the church that night, but I believe that it was God that whispered those words in my ear to remind me also, just as Paul was doing with the Thessalonians in this passage.
Our God wishes to wipe away our sorrow, as we place to rest one of our brothers in Jesus Christ! God says that we are to have hope of meeting this brother again at the return of our Lord. Notice in verse fourteen that it says, those which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him! That tells me that my friend is already with his God! It is this assurance that gives me peace of mind and to know that one day we will meet again at the coming of the Lord. Let's look at the next couple of verses,
1Thessalonians 4:15-16
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
There's going to come a day when you will hear a loud noise coming from Heaven; a shout; and then the archangel is going to speak. At that moment, those that have died; your fathers, your mothers; your relatives; your friends and spouses that are dead in Christ; are going to rise from the dead. So what about those who still alive? How will we be able to reunite with those that have died before us? That is answered in the next verse,
1Thessalonians 4:17-18
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
These truly are words that comfort me today. I am going to be caught up together with my friends who have gone before me because I believe that Jesus died and rose again. Verse fourteen tells me that if I believe, I have a hope for this day!
Jesus said, "Be ready." In the book of Amos, the fourth chapter, it says, "Prepare to meet your God." Are you prepared? Have you opened your heart to Jesus? Have you repented of your sins?
You say, "What is repentance?" Repentance means you say to God,"I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins, I'm willing to turn from my sins, but Lord, You have to help me to turn. I've tried so many times to give up the things I know are wrong, but I just can't do it. I need your help. Then by faith, you receive Jesus who died on the cross for you. You open your heart and say,"Yes, Lord Jesus, come in. I'm ready to follow You."
I once heard an evangelist tell about a woman who had written him a letter. She told him about her daughter who had become suddenly very ill with an incurable disease and how devastated they were. She also told him how her life had gotten so busy as she had worked so hard at her ambitions in a very fast paced business. She was successful, but she was so busy that she had completely left God out of her life. She said she had forgotten all about God and had forgotten how to pray.
Does that sound like you? there are many people in our nation that could identify with that woman. You have come to read this message today expecting to live many more years, but you don't know.
This might be the last day of your life. We never know. The Bible says that "Today is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation!" The Scripture says as I quote God, "I will not always strive with man." There comes a time when it is too late. the only way you can come to Christ is with the Holy Spirit helping you to come; and He will help you, but not always.
There comes a time when it will be too late for you. I'm going to ask you to come to Christ today. This may be the last opportunity you will ever have.
I am going to ask you to bow your head where ever you are and say today, "I want Jesus in my heart. And I'm going to do my best to repent of my sins and follow Him."
Whether you are at work, at home or on the road, if make this decision, I ask that you contact me and let me talk with you and pray with you and get you some literature to help you in your Christian life. I am going to ask you to make that choice now to receive Christ into your heart.
God bless you.
Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
A Time Of Sorrow ?
1Thessalonians 4:13-14
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
This is a profound message presented by Paul to the Thessalonian who believed in God. Paul was assuring them that those who had passed from this life before them would also be brought back with God one day if they believed. Paul was inspired by God to write about this in this passage of the Holy Bible and I believe it was written not only because Paul wished for the believers in his day to be encouraged, but also because God wishes for the believers in our day to be encouraged as well!
As I spent the evening at the visitation of my dear friend Flip, who had passed away, I saw about two thousand or more people show up to show their sympathy and support for my friends parents, his wife, daughters and entire family. He won many hearts through his sincere friendship, supporting his family and service as a fireman for the last twelve years of his life. My friend who passed away was only 35 years old and it seemed so sad that he had not had the chance to live out his later years. I could see the sadness on many faces there and the confused expressions as we talked about his life; his family and the memories. As I found myself feeling more and more sorrowful, I remembered times when I had encouraged others with the hope that one day they would be able to meet again. Nobody said anything like this to me at the church that night, but I believe that it was God that whispered those words in my ear to remind me also, just as Paul was doing with the Thessalonians in this passage.
Our God wishes to wipe away our sorrow, as we place to rest one of our brothers in Jesus Christ! God says that we are to have hope of meeting this brother again at the return of our Lord. Notice in verse fourteen that it says, those which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him! That tells me that my friend is already with his God! It is this assurance that gives me peace of mind and to know that one day we will meet again at the coming of the Lord. Let's look at the next couple of verses,
1Thessalonians 4:15-16
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
There's going to come a day when you will hear a loud noise coming from Heaven; a shout; and then the archangel is going to speak. At that moment, those that have died; your fathers, your mothers; your relatives; your friends and spouses that are dead in Christ; are going to rise from the dead. So what about those who still alive? How will we be able to reunite with those that have died before us? That is answered in the next verse,
1Thessalonians 4:17-18
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
These truly are words that comfort me today. I am going to be caught up together with my friends who have gone before me because I believe that Jesus died and rose again. Verse fourteen tells me that if I believe, I have a hope for this day!
Jesus said, "Be ready." In the book of Amos, the fourth chapter, it says, "Prepare to meet your God." Are you prepared? Have you opened your heart to Jesus? Have you repented of your sins?
You say, "What is repentance?" Repentance means you say to God,"I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins, I'm willing to turn from my sins, but Lord, You have to help me to turn. I've tried so many times to give up the things I know are wrong, but I just can't do it. I need your help. Then by faith, you receive Jesus who died on the cross for you. You open your heart and say,"Yes, Lord Jesus, come in. I'm ready to follow You."
I once heard an evangelist tell about a woman who had written him a letter. She told him about her daughter who had become suddenly very ill with an incurable disease and how devastated they were. She also told him how her life had gotten so busy as she had worked so hard at her ambitions in a very fast paced business. She was successful, but she was so busy that she had completely left God out of her life. She said she had forgotten all about God and had forgotten how to pray.
Does that sound like you? there are many people in our nation that could identify with that woman. You have come to read this message today expecting to live many more years, but you don't know.
This might be the last day of your life. We never know. The Bible says that "Today is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation!" The Scripture says as I quote God, "I will not always strive with man." There comes a time when it is too late. the only way you can come to Christ is with the Holy Spirit helping you to come; and He will help you, but not always.
There comes a time when it will be too late for you. I'm going to ask you to come to Christ today. This may be the last opportunity you will ever have.
I am going to ask you to bow your head where ever you are and say today, "I want Jesus in my heart. And I'm going to do my best to repent of my sins and follow Him."
Whether you are at work, at home or on the road, if make this decision, I ask that you contact me and let me talk with you and pray with you and get you some literature to help you in your Christian life. I am going to ask you to make that choice now to receive Christ into your heart.
God bless you.
Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"The Father's Gift"

All For One
When God sent His only Son into the world, little did people know how much the world would rebel and reject this gift of love. You see, God sent His Son into the world to reach out to mankind and spread the news of peace on earth and good will to men. We even sing about it today in our Christmas carols thousands of years later! How have generations managed to keep the memory of this day in history alive? It was a day that had been prophesied and a day that changed the way that man lived his life. People would be able to join together in union for the first time at Christmas and throughout the year in love and adoration for our Lord.
The story goes that there was a young woman who had been living her life as she pleased and this had taken her far away from her father who had loved her so much. As she was growing up he had devoted so much time into her life as a child. He put her into the best school he could find; read to her each evening; took her to the parks on Sunday mornings and had picnics and even told her how much she meant to him every time he had the chance.
One day though, the young woman had decided that she was old enough to make her own decisions and she began to make new friends. These friends taught her to satisfy her flesh and to go for whatever she wanted, whether it was good or bad. She pushed her father away and even cursed him to his face. This hurt the father so much that he felt as though his heart might even burst at times because he loved her so. Although there were others who needed his love, he still would have given his very own life to save the child that had gone astray.
The father continued to pray for her and over the years began to see things change in her life. The decisions she had been making were beginning to add up and the penalties were becoming more than she could bare. It was just a few weeks before Christmas and the father had been without work for some time when the young woman came to him for help. She asked him if he could help her because she had a fine to pay the courts or they might send her to jail and she would be separated from her children all the way through Christmas and longer. After she told him what she had done, the father told her that he had only one way to help her. He told her that the only money that he had for Christmas was going to come from the sale of a small shelter, if he could find a buyer. If God provided a buyer, he could help her pay her fine, but it would take everything he had for Christmas. It was the only way he could afford Christmas presents that year!
She didn't reply with anything except to say, "I don't have anywhere else to turn but to you Father." As the father looked into her eyes, he saw the little girl that he had always loved and he saw the young woman who had gone astray that needed mercy, grace and love. The young woman was ready to receive her father's love now.
Her father sold the shelter to someone who would use it to shelter horses on a farm and took all of the money he had for Christmas that year and went downtown to pay her fine. That was a Christmas to remember as two young children spent it with their mother, the mother gained her freedom by her father's sacrifice and the father's love was renewed as he gave all he had to save one of his children from the bondage and penalty of her crime.
The daughter believed that her father loved her enough that he would accept her back into his life, no matter what she had done. He not only took her back into his life, but he also loved her enough to give her all that he had to give that Christmas! The fact is that he would have done this for any of his children.
The Lord Jesus was our gift from God, given to pay the penalty and free us. We did not deserve to be called a child of God, even if we were adopted children! Man was guilty of making decisions to do wrong to one another and for fulfilling the desires of our body and our selfish imaginations. It is in the fulfillment of our flesh that we find ourselves undeserving of God's grace and mercy; yet God's will was that we be forgiven. By His gift to the whole world, of His only Son, God gave you freedom. It was all for you. It was all for me.
When Jesus gave up His life at the cross, God gave up His Son for you, ALL for ONE and His ONE for ALL!
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The penalty has been paid! Accept God's mercy and believe in His Son, Jesus, and you too will be free!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you have already received this FREEDOM in Christ, share this message with someone else. It's possible that they are living under the stress of one day being separated from family as the young woman was in the story and most importantly separated from God their Father, who loved them enough to send His only Son to Bethlehem on the very first Christmas.
Maybe they too will receive His payment and receive the freedom to live as a member of the family of God this coming Christmas. Your Father is waiting my friend! Don't wait, come home today!
John 3:17-18
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"In Times of Grief"
In Whom Can We Trust?
The song I'd like to share with you has echoed through my mind today, as I felt the loss of my friends "Flip" Kissinger and Pauline Means,my sister-in-law's mother who we have grown to love just as our own family! I heard this song play on the radio early each morning when I was just a child, while my father drove us to school in the southeastern town of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Little did I know, in a time of loss and pain, that the same song, voice and words would echo in my mind to provide encouragement forty years later.
It's during these times of grief in our lives that we need to trust in One who will always be there for us.
Please listen to the voice and words that I heard each morning as a young child and find comfort in them as I have found. God bless and may we all unite in love and support of the Kissingers and my wonderful sister-in-law, Dinah Bailes. Thank you.
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
The song I'd like to share with you has echoed through my mind today, as I felt the loss of my friends "Flip" Kissinger and Pauline Means,my sister-in-law's mother who we have grown to love just as our own family! I heard this song play on the radio early each morning when I was just a child, while my father drove us to school in the southeastern town of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Little did I know, in a time of loss and pain, that the same song, voice and words would echo in my mind to provide encouragement forty years later.
It's during these times of grief in our lives that we need to trust in One who will always be there for us.
Please listen to the voice and words that I heard each morning as a young child and find comfort in them as I have found. God bless and may we all unite in love and support of the Kissingers and my wonderful sister-in-law, Dinah Bailes. Thank you.
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Friday, December 11, 2009
"The Masterpiece In You"

"You Were A Child Once, Too"
Fred Rogers, better known as Mr. Rogers on TV, was asked by a group of ophthalmologists to contribute a chapter to their book on how to help children not be afraid when undergoing medical eye procedures. His assistant wrote something for him as he was too busy and when he read it, he crossed it out and simply wrote, "You were a child once, too" and that's how the chapter began. Understanding children and their individuality is something that we often miss because we are too busy, just like the disciples were in the ancient times when Jesus had to tell them to let the children come to him because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)
I know it is sometimes hard to believe that God could have given us children when they seem to be so strong willed that even a band of adults cannot control them. There are times I'm sure in most of our lives when we find ourselves scratching our heads in total confusion and wondering what we did that could have influenced our child to become so different. After all, we taught them to become just like ourselves and we have all of the experience they need to draw from.
Only as we take time to understand our children, as they are, will we truly welcome them as God's handiwork. Only as we come to realize that they have come into the world with unique beings and differing gifts, temperaments and needs, can we rightly nurture them. We must learn to observe who they are, respecting them as unique, one of a kind creations.
Timothy Jones, author of Nurturing A Child's Soul, says in his book, "Making room for a child also means that we will have to let go of some of our perfectionism, some of our unrealistic expectations, our insensitive, too-high expectations."
Stephen Covey, author of the acclaimed Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, tells of his son, who was struggling at school, seemed immature socially and looked pitiful on the baseball field. He would even swing at the ball before the pitcher released the ball. They were embarrassed when others would laugh at him. Right away they tried getting him psyched up with use of positive affirmation and comments. But still, even with their sincere efforts, his self-esteem suffered.
As Stephen and his wife examined their deepest feelings, he came to realize that their perception was that their son was somehow behind and inadequate. Together they became painfully aware of the powerful influence they had made because of their own perception. This son had not measured up to the behavior of the other children by which they had gained social mileage.
Instead of trying to change him they tried separating themselves and stand apart so he could sense his own individuality and worth. Through deep thought and the exercise of faith and prayer they began to see their son in terms of his own uniqueness.... deciding to relax and get out of his way, letting his own personality emerge. By loosening up on their own old perception of their son, they found themselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him.
Their son began to relax and found his niche. He even blossomed at sports.
Children thrive on those moments when we honor them as surprises and gifts, presents from the Presence who made them.
Scripture Passage
Psalm 139:14-16
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knows right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Thursday, December 10, 2009
"Keep This In Mind"

Who Can Grasp It?
Romans 11:34- For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
What a mystery, the human mind. What incredible compressed capacity the brain affords. Where do ideas come from? Where are great inspirations birthed? How can an undisciplined mind offer up the creative genius displayed in soaring spires, where disciplined intelligence creates a warehouse?
One is blessed with a lofty IQ, but robbed of social graces. Another is dull, but irresistibly lovable. Go figure! One can lock out everyone in a crowded room. Another is distracted by the ticking of a clock in a monastery.
What stamina the brain exhibits. Studies exhaust us, but the mind never really shuts down. Even at rest, it works. Concentrating on a dry equation evokes boredom. Concentrating on a love interest provokes action. A short change of pace renews the power to concentrate again.
Amazing! What is a thought, a feeling, an impulse, except an electrical charge that races through a million crossroads to make connections that form a basis for action, a call to nobility, an unspoken preference?
If we cannot grasp the greatness of the human mind, how can we begin to comprehend the unsearchable depths of the wisdom of God without His discernment that is made possible to all who believe.
Scripture Passage
Romans 11:33-34
33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Romans 11:34- For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
What a mystery, the human mind. What incredible compressed capacity the brain affords. Where do ideas come from? Where are great inspirations birthed? How can an undisciplined mind offer up the creative genius displayed in soaring spires, where disciplined intelligence creates a warehouse?
One is blessed with a lofty IQ, but robbed of social graces. Another is dull, but irresistibly lovable. Go figure! One can lock out everyone in a crowded room. Another is distracted by the ticking of a clock in a monastery.
What stamina the brain exhibits. Studies exhaust us, but the mind never really shuts down. Even at rest, it works. Concentrating on a dry equation evokes boredom. Concentrating on a love interest provokes action. A short change of pace renews the power to concentrate again.
Amazing! What is a thought, a feeling, an impulse, except an electrical charge that races through a million crossroads to make connections that form a basis for action, a call to nobility, an unspoken preference?
If we cannot grasp the greatness of the human mind, how can we begin to comprehend the unsearchable depths of the wisdom of God without His discernment that is made possible to all who believe.
Scripture Passage
Romans 11:33-34
33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
You may use or reproduce the messages written by Rob Bailes with permission, either by email or verbal. These messages are not allowed to be sold or used for advertisement purposes. Contact Rob Bailes by email at: or call (919)745-1210
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"Peace Like A River"

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)
The beloved hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" has been a source of much comfort to many. The hymn was written in memory of the author's four precious daughters who had just perished in a shipwreck and his wife barely rescued. Through it all, the couple maintained faith in their Sovereign God and could say through their tears;
When peace like a river; attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Our Lord has not promised us a life of ease, free from heartache and tragedy, be He has promised to be with us. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me" (Psalm 23:4)
God's promise of provision to Israel applies, in principle, to us. "Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you will not e burned; neither will the flame kindle upon you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Savior." (Isaiah 43:1-3) We can be content, whatever comes, knowing He is with us.
The prerequisite for the "peace of God that passes all understanding" promised in our text is that we be anxious "for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Philippians 4:6). "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is kept on You (Lord)" (Isaiah 26:3).
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Take These Hands"

Teach me to pray, Oh Lord,
As I face this day, Oh Lord.
Teach me, as in Your hands
In humility, my hands I lay.
Take my hands, hold them tight today,
Securely, as Your strength I feel;
Mold me, shape me, Oh Lord I pray,
Hand in hand, show me Your will.
Written and dedicated by Rob Bailes to my dear friend "Flip" Kissinger.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
"Pray For Flip"

Pray For Harry "Flip" Kissinger!
My long time friends Phil Kissinger and his wife Sherry have experienced something on Friday of this week that all parents hope that they never will have to go through. Their son, Harry "Flip" Kissinger who is a fireman in Raleigh, NC and also a friend of about 15 years, ran off the road to avoid collision with a school bus but the bus did the same which led to a head on impact. It took about 45 minutes to get him out of the truck he was driving. He was on his way home to pick up his two girls and take them to school. Flip is about 34 years old and was bragging on his wonderful wife and children the last time I saw him. I have never met a more positive and driven person in my life. Flip asked me to teach him some about weight lifting back when he was in high school at Friendship and he used to swing my daughter, Natalie around and around in the parking lot after school when she about 5 years old. Flip's energy and attitude as well as his relationship with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will have allot in his recovering and pulling through this trauma he has experienced. Please pray for Flip, Phil and Sherry and the extended family as they were very very close as well as his wife and children at this time. Everyone, including myself is having a hard time realizing that this has happened to this wonderful young man and we all need prayers in the days ahead as the road to recovery will be a challenging time. Flip sustained head injuries, multiple cerebral anurisms and 42 broken bones in every part of his body. I ask that you even form prayer chains in your churches for him this week as the doctors are saying that the hours are critical for his body to respond. If you can even have people volunteer to pray each hour tomorrow, it would be awesome. I am spending much of my free time in prayer.
Here is a link to the news video:
I entreat you, God my Father, for favor "In Your Sight" for Harry Flip Kissinger tonight!
In Love and Compassion,
Rob Bailes
2Corinthians 1:2,3,4
Thursday, December 3, 2009
"Who Cares?"

Does Anyone Care?
Ever felt that way before? As my daughter and I walked out of a building one day into the rain, she took a plastic bag that was full of school things and started pushing it against my head. I couldn't figure out what she was doing so I kind of jerked my head back to avoid geting hit in th head by a jar she had in the bag. That's when she said, "Hey! I'm trying to cover your head up so you won't get wet!". I had no clue that she was doing this for me and was embarassed that I had pulled away like I did.
I was telling a friend about this and she explained that my daughter was doing something that girls do and that a boy would never had done that. She said it is just the way girls and boys are made. her final statement was,"It's just a girl thing to take care of you".
As I thought about this, I remembered receiving an email once that explained how the man and woman together form a picture of our God. It explained that the woman's caring and desire for relationship was just like our Lord while the man's desire to accomplish and protect was also like our Lord. The point being that God created man and woman in His image to be complete when the two become one in matrimony. Knowing this helped me to understand my daughter better and why she acted so caring for me that day. This knowledge that I had about my God took the mystery out of the equation, but there are many who don't have this knowledge. They are mystified and don't understand why someone would care for them, especially when they are not very nice to to others.
It's true, God made the woman to be more caring and nurturing than the man and the man to be more protecting and agressive than the woman. That is clear to see and we all need to remember that it is a clear picture of what our God is like because we find in the Word of God that He cares for us all. Even the people who are not so easy to care for in this world. God knows that this life on earth in the flesh is like a vapor that will quickly pass. He wants us to join Him in a place that He has gone to prepare for those who believe. Share this message today with the person that seems disconnected! This is what they really need because after all, they were created in God's image too. They will find peace and joy when they accept the care of our Lord. I know I did when I understood and bent down so my daughter could cover my head with her bag that rainy day! It gave me great joy to know that she naturally cared about me like that.
Scripture Passage
1Peter 5:4-7
4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Thot: Knowing God cares for you will bring joy in any circumstance!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
"Into the Light"

Out of the Shadows
It has been said that Michael Angelo kept a small candle burning on the bill of his cap when he was creating a masterpiece painting. The reason was to create light that would eliminate his own shadow from appearing on the painting while he worked. If he had not done this, his overall view of the colors would have been distracted and the famous paintings of this master artist may have never found their true beauty in the eyes of the beholders.
Is it possible that we too need a light on our caps today? When we find ourselves moving ahead in our lives and we are constantly reminded of our mistakes and how easily we are distracted; maybe we have moved ahead of the light! If the shadow of our physical limitations are always finding their ways in our path, only to remind us of the past, it would be wise to turn to the light. That candle that will light the way and eliminate the shadows of our human limits is in our Lord Jesus. He is the light of the world. Turn to the light and your shadows will vanish as you leave them behind you to go forward into His plan for your life today!
Let God light your path and you will find the shadows of our physical circumstances and limitations are no longer distracting your view of the life that He has planned for you! Don't let discouragement shadow your life. It is Jehovah El-Elyon who created all and is always there for you and we will find our view become brighter when we turn to Him!
Scripture for Today
Isa 45:5-8
5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.
Thot: Getting into the Light of the Word will lead us out of the shadows of this life!
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